Chapter 27- Grumpy the Bear

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"I saw her...making out with James in one of the stalls and...God I...just can't help myself and pulled him off her" he said his fists balled tightly

"James Lint did that?" I asked pointing at his bruised cheek I saw Gabriel swallowed hard"Yes"

" plan to..claim her?" I asked and Gabriel surprised me by laughing "I'm fucking gay Ash, everything inside of me is disgusted by the thought of it"

Alice pursed her lips "The universe was probably high when she wrote our love stories" she said

Gabriel laughed before standing "I need to go" he said rubbing his jaw and I smiled up at him whispering, "It's all gonna be ok" even when I'm not sure of it myself, before going to mythical history...which I was 2 minutes 34 seconds late for

I was waiting for Raven at the parking lot, half sitting at the hood of Rave's car when..."Do you know where Gabriel is?" Hail asked me her eyes shifting around

I shook my head and she looked crestfallen her shoulders slumping "Did he mention me..?" She asked her voice sounding hopeful

I stared at her for a second not sure what to answer but as it turned out I didn't need to because before I could even open my mouth, she breathed out a sigh and started walking off

I stared at her retreating figure please before letting my eyes roam around the lot then it froze on Alpha Xavier who had Jenna pressed between him and his car, he was brushing his knuckles against her cheek whilst her crimson hair blew with the cold wind

He raised his eyes to mine, eyes the color of cold ice that flashed me a look of pity for a second before lowering it back to Jenna and pressing a light kiss against her lips

"I'm going to kill him" I heard someone say that made me yelp I looked at my side and saw Raven, he was looking at the same scene I had my eyes on earlier and I guess he didn't like it either because I noticed his fists were shaking on his sides

"I'll help you" I said jokingly and he cracked a smile "Right" he said rolling his eyes before opening the car door for me I slipped inside and as we passed by where Alpha Xavier and Jenna was standing I felt the car halted

Jenna eyes widened as she saw us and gently pushed Alpha Xavier off her, he leaned his back against the car rolling his eyes at us "What?" Alpha Xavier deep voice rumbled and I felt myself shiver involuntarily

"Nothing" Raven smirked evily "Just wanted to make you feel uncomfortable by watching youre public display of affection" Rave said before starting the car again

I laughed at him "What?" He asked and I chuckled before shaking my head "You're crazy" I told his and he nodded "Yes...For her" he said his eyes on the side view mirror that showed Alpha Xavier opening the car door for Jenna..

I was laying in bed staring at the ceiling when my phone rang it was 12:40...who would be calling at this hour?

Unknown number it flashed I hesitantly answered the call "Hello?" I asked uncertain

"What are you doing?" A voice that sent thousands of jolts through my nerves asked I gasped and sat up "Um...trying to sleep?" I said "Where?" He asked coldly

"In my room" I answered "Where's Raven?" He asked again "In his room.... I guess" I said trying not to smile at the thought that he called me I waited for him to ask more questions

"Where did you get my number?" I asked when he didn't say anything else

"Is there a problem?" I asked again but his end of the line remained silent I looked at my phone and lifted my finger to end the call when,

"Don't hang up" he ordered and I bit my lip "Is everything okay?" I asked but he was silent again I slowly laid down putting the call in speaker and clutched it against my heart

I can hear his breathing on the other end and holy crackers the mere sound of it made my stomach twist with happiness

"Do you remember the first time I saw you?" I asked when he didn't say anything I continued "you probably don't...but it was during my ninth birthday my mom and I were new to the pack and when you walked in..." I laughed at this

"I almost fell down the stairs because you are the cutest boy I have ever seen wearing those white button down and pants with black suspnders, then I went down and your mom pushed you to give me the gift in your hands" I looked at the fluffy brown bear that sat at the desk

"I thanked you for the gift and for remember what you said?.." I asked still he was silent

"You said your mom picked and paid for the gift so I should thank her not you and that you didn't want to come in my party in the first place your mom just forced you to and then you ran off to the yard" I said ending my nostalgia

"I named him grumpy if your curious" I said I waited for him to say something...anything but all I could hear was his steady breathing...his asleep

I let his breathing lull me to sleep and slowly I slipped off to unconciousness and I could swear that grumpy the bear just winked at me before my eyes dropped close

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