Chapter nineteen

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Hey my lovely readers. I've miss you guys! You guys brighten my day so much! ❤️

So I will try to upload more than 1 chapter a week.
If I don't I apologize.

Shoutout to....



QOTD; Single🔓 or taken?🔒

My answer; Talking to someone 😏❤️

Chapter 19

Our Beautiful Tragedy


I look forward as I walk to class. "Hey can we talk" a hand grasps my arm.

I turn around to come into those eyes. I look down. Don't show your scared. "What Clayton" I ask him?

"I'm sorry, I really am for everything I did to you." He starts.

"Clayton sorry doesn't fix it. You hurt me. Physically, mentally, and emotionally" I take a deep breath so I won't cry, "and it's gonna take more than just sorry."

He stops me before I walk away. "Can't you see that I am trying" he ask?

The way he looks at me. "I don't care" I throw him off of me.

He grabs my wrist. "You're just gonna have to accept that I am here" he spits at me, he grips me hard.

"Clayton let go of me" I say pulling away.

He doesn't. He just stands there and looks at me. His grips harder and harder. "Clayton let go" I whine as my hand starts to go numb.

He lets go. I just look at him, his sudden green eyes turn black. I take deep breaths to clear the space. I quickly walk past him and to my class room. I take my seat and rub my wrist as the memories came flowing back.


"Did I say you can stand up" his voice echoes.

I let my body fall back down. "Please you don't have to do this. I can just walk away. And pretend nothing happen" I try to talk through him.

"I said no. Because you will and tell" I hear in his voice that he is scared.

I walk to him and place my hand on his face and my head on his chest. "Because you know what you are doing is wrong" I ask him?

He pushes me back lightly. "No. You deserve what I do to you" he says.

I shake my head. "You're a monster" I say.

He backhands my face and jumps on top of me and beats me.


"Are you okay" Someone kicks me out of my thoughts.

I look up to see Elliot before my eyes. "Yea" I shake my head.

"You don't look okay" he says.

"Why do you care Elliot" I ask?

He leans down. "Secretly. I care a lot" he whispers.

I can't help but smile alittle. He puts his hand in my face. "Come on let's skip" he says.

"But-" before I can finish he cuts me off.

"Riley, me and you both already know all this stuff she is teaching us" he confirms to me.

I shake my head. I grab his hand and head out.


"Where are you taking me" I ask him?

"Some place that is special to me" he says.

We pull up to the shack. "I love the shack" I say smiling.

He looks at me with a frown. "It isn't called the shack. It's called Nuestra hermosa tragedia" he says.

"I don't speak Spanish" I confess to him.

He giggles slightly. "It's called Our Beautiful Tragedy" he confirms to me, "a while back. My mom brought me here to get a Sunday. Gosh I love those. I forced her to bring me actually. We got to the front and she ordered my Sunday. I loved her so much" he says with the biggest smile on his face.

"Loved" I ask beginning to become curious?

"She was shot that day. Some stupid teenager came in and shot her right in the hip. Causing her to lose a lot of blood. She Died within 2 minutes before 911 got here. Today marks 10 years." He looks at the door as kids run in and out of there.

"Elliot" I say placing my hand on his.

He takes my hand in his and rubs his thumb over my knuckles. "I remember pulling her long blonde curls" he chuckles.

He fixed his position in his seat. "She kept yelling at me. 'Elliot if you don't stop I'm gonna bust you' I wouldn't stop. I loved her curls. Her hair came down to her butt" he said.

"She sounds beautiful" I say to him.

He looks at me and smiles, "oh she was. She was the most prettiest women ever. She has these big bright blue eyes that glisten in the sun" he looks up as if he is looking up at her in the sky.

He starts laughing. He puts his hand over his mouth. "Wanna know what her last words were" he ask?

"I love you" I guessed.

"No. They were, 'give my baby his Sunday'" he looks down after that, "she was My Beautiful Tragedy. So beautiful but a tragedy to lose her."

He slowly pulls his hand away from mine. "Elliot why did you bring me here" I break the silence?

"For 10 years I can only come here and look at that door. I can't walk in." He stares at the door.

"Oh" is all I could possibly say.

"That's why I brought you here. Because I know with you I can do anything. You are beautiful, smart, and confident" he says, "with you I can walk right through those doors."

I shake my head and get out of his car. We stand hand in hand. "Ready" I pull at his hand?

He shakes his head and tightens my hand. I open the doors and walk in. With Elliot behind me. He looks around at the details like I did on my first time in here but he is looking at if it has changed or not. I go to the cashier. "2 Sundays please" I say.

Elliot smiles at me. Once we get our Sundays he takes a breath and close his eyes. 'Love you mom' his lips move.

I smile as he digs in. He heads over to the doors to look beside it to see something framed up. "You are so beautiful " he says.

I follow him to see a picture of his mom in the frame that says 'Our Beautiful Tragedy. In memory of Jessica Anderson'

He was right. She is beautiful.


This is a very important chapter. He just opened up to her. How would you take all that in? Like Rilen did? What would you do/ Say?

Love you guys!

-Madddddie out 😘✌️

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