Chapter fourteen

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OMG! First off I want to thank you all. My book has over 3k views!😭❤️ THAT IS AMAZING! I want to thank every single one of you guys. I love ya 😘 so let's start this off,

QOTD: what is your favorite color?

My answer; mine is red❤️ I love red a lot

Anywayyyyys here is the next chapter

Chapter 14

Making 'new' friends


"Have you felt so in love to kill" Mrs. Annalise says to us.

"Killing for each other. For example,Bonnie and Clyde. Robbing and killing people during the Great Depression. How far are you willing to go?" She pauses in front of us.

"Raise your hand if you are in literature" about 15 out of 40 raised their hand.

"Good we can try something new" Mr. Annalise says making us all wonder.

" I want you guys to write a story of a couple killing for each other. And make it where you as a deactivate and you solve it. Also put your definition of love in there" Mr. Annalise points, "due next Friday."

I have 2 full weeks. I can do this.


In 1947-ah nope

In 2016-ah nope

In 1597- Jesus no

In 1856- yes sounds perfect.

In 1856 was the best days of your life. Until- until what? God I hate writing.

I throw my hands up in the air and rubbed my temples. "Bailey" someone knocks.

After 12 knocks I finally get up and open it. It's Arin, "hey Rilen. Is Bailey around" he ask?

I shake my head. "You okay" he ask me?

"No this paper I'm doing is some hardcore stuff" I complain.

I mean because it is. "Well do you want to go hang out with us" he ask me?

"Us" I ask?

"Mine and Baileys friends. You haven't got to meet them" he ask me placing his hand on his hip lightly reminding me of Brandon.

"Nope" I mock his position.

"Well throw on some clothes and let's go hang" Arin says.

"I don't know Arin.." I bite on my nails.

Do I need to go? I guess he could tell I was wondering. "Come on you seem" he looks around "stressed" he scratches the back of his neck.

I look around. "Sure I have nothing better to do" I jump up and grab a pair of shorts and a shirt.


Arin and I get out of his jeep and head inside a little food diner. "What's this place" I ask looking around to notice the little details.

The walls were decorated in a blue pattern. It made it seem like the '80s. The hard title floor shined really bright. I almost didn't notice the cool air blowing in my face causing my hair to flow back.

I love the weather here in Arizona.

"We call it the shack but it actually has a weird name to it" Arin confirms to me.

I nod my head as we head to the front to order food. "What will you like to eat" The lady ask Me?

I turned wanting Arin to go first. "Um I'll take a steak burger with extra curly fries and a lemonade" the cashier nodds her head to it all.

"And you" she turns my way.

"I'll take some chicken tenders and a Diet Coke" I order.

"That will be $12.75" she says typing things down.

I pull out a 20 and hand it to her. Arin looks at me and gives me the 'are you serious' look. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Why" he ask me?

"Why not" I shrug my shoulders.

He just looks at me. "Order 154"

"That's us" I go and grab our food.

"You are different you know that right" Arin says slightly grinning.

"Is that a bad or good thing" I ask?

"I don't know yet" he chuckles leading me to his table.

"Rilen this is Chase" he points to a guy that has big brown curls, his brown eyes glisten as the sun reflects off of him.

"This is Tyson" he points to a very pale red headed guy. He has very few freckles as I would expect. He wears a muscle shirt, making his muscles stand out,which by the way are Huge!

"And this is-"

"Clare" I hug her. I haven't seen her for a while.

"You know Clare" he ask me?

"Yea she is one of my friends I met at the beginning of the year" I confess.

"I didn't know you hung out with these guys" I say taking my seat.

"Well my boyfriend is in the bathroom" she points behind her.

I place the food down and hand Arin his. He dives into as if it's nothing. I chuckle at him, opening my ketchup packets and dipping my tenders in then. I moan in my mouth, it's been a while since I've had ketchup.

Ketchup is my man!

"Rilen meet my boyfriend Clayton. Clayton meet Rilen" I look up to the eyes I never wanted to see again.

My ex. Boyfriend.


Sorry I had to leave you there 😁

I'll update soon as possible.

Love you guys to the moon and back

Hit that like button if you enjoyed this chapter

-Maddddddie out💕👌

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