16. Revenge

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Disclaimer: I do not own The Maze Runner Series, any characters(besides my own), or any of the ideas. All rights belong to James Dashner.

A/N: I decided to go ahead and finish the book and then edit and re-write simply because I can't stand to leave you guys hanging like that. It isn't right. But, when I'm finished please remember that this story will be edited afterward. So, you might want to re-read when I'm done.

Fair warning: This chapter will have a few quotes from the book. I'm sorry, please don't sue me!


My stomach turned violently as the reality of the situation hit me, taking my breath away. Gally was really gone. He wasn't coming back. I had lost him forever. Tears burned the back of my eyes as I desperately tried to swallow the lump in my throat. A barely audible, pathetic sounding whimper escaped through my clenched teeth as I stared at the Cliff, my mind going blank. I couldn't save him. My body trembled with my silent sobs and I felt Minho's grip on me tighten considerably. Neither of us spoke as I let my emotions escape through my eyes.

Eventually, Minho picked me up and carried me back to the Glade. I suppose he knew I was in no condition to walk after what had happened. I stared blankly at the walls as he ran in silence. I faintly heard Thomas yell when he spotted us, but I didn't even bother to look his way. The pain was too much. I didn't even want to go on without Gally. How could I? He had been with me since the very beginning. We fought like cats and dogs, but he was still very important to me. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I had loved him all along.

I just wish I would have realized it sooner. If I had, maybe things would have turned out differently. I faintly heard Thomas speaking to Minho as I wallowed in my own depression.

"What were you doing, idiot!"

Minho gently sat me on the ground as he gave Thomas a look as he spoke, sarcasm dripping off his tongue.

"Clara ran after them. What, I guess you wanted me to just stay put and let her get herself killed, huh?"

Thomas and Newt looked down at me, finally becoming concerned as they saw the look on my face. Newt knelt in front of me, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. He bent his head down so that he could look into my downcast eyes. Tears were still flowing freely and I didn't even have the energy to try to stop them. He already knew what was wrong, so he didn't bother asking. Instead, he sighed softly as pain swirled in his deep brown eyes and pulled me into a tight embrace. The action caused me to break down once more as I gripped his shirt, sobs shaking my entire body.

"H-He's gone..Gally's g-gone! T-They...took h-him."

"Shh. It's okay. Let it out, love. It won't do any bloody good bottled up inside."

Newt ran his fingers through my long locks as I sobbed and desperately clung to him as if he would disappear too if I even let him go for a second. Eventually, the tears stopped and I sat there pathetically hiccuping as I wiped at my red, puffy eyes. Thomas stared at me, a hint of sadness hidden in his eyes. My voice came out as a soft whisper, laced with depression and heartbreak.

"I'll be fine..we have more important things to worry about."

My eyes scanned the Glade, stopping on the smoke rising in the air. It seemed like it was coming from the Map Room and anger boiled inside of me. Pieces began clicking together in my head and I shot up and stormed toward the burning building, the boys following closely behind me. I could tell they were confused and I knew they were about to ask questions. But, I beat them to it.

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