7. Please Don't Die

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Disclaimer: The Maze Runner series and all the ideas and characters belong to James Dashner. I only own Clara and Noah.

Fair warning: Read the author's note or you might be confused!

A/N: This chapter will be Gally and Newt's points of view when Noah's crazy self tried to slice her up like Winston does the animals. I will also include a third person pov to show everyone what happened at the banishing as well as Minho's point of view when Clara gets hurt(yes, he heard her from all the way out in the maze.) I'll also add a point of view for each of them visiting Clara during the two days she was unconscious. Hopefully it won't get too confusing. If it does, I apologize in advance. But, before that I have some things I feel the need to explain. Everyone knows Alby and the others say "ain't" alot in the book, correct? Well, actually I can't remember if it's just Alby that says it or if it's everyone, but whatever. Anyway, have you ever wondered why he started saying that in the first place? In this book, the answer is simple. Clara. When I came up with the idea, I was thinking 'if all the Greenies can catch on to Glader slang, why can't the Gladers catch on to other slang?" and now here we are. Also, have you ever wondered where in the world Chuck got his little wooden figurine in the first place? If he is bad at everything else, he couldn't have carved that little piece of perfection, right? Right. So, in this book, Clara carved it and felt the need to give it to him to cheer him up and give him some hope that they'd get out of the maze one day. Do you know what kind of accent Clara has? If not, it's a southern accent. You're welcome, haha. On to the story!! :)



An ear piercing scream echoed in my ears and I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart dropping to my stomach as my blood ran cold. That was Clara. I looked around at the other builders and sure enough, they heard it too. My fists clenched tightly as I took off running toward the source of the scream. Clara, you better have just seen a shuck bug or something! I swear if you're hurt.. I let my thoughts trail off, not even wanting to think about that possibility. I don't even know why I cared about her well being so much, but I did. She's an annoying little Slinthead and I can't stand her half the time...but, she's grown on me.

I reached the treeline of the Deadheads and my heart stopped at the sight I was greeted with. Clara was slumped against a tree, blood slowly pooling around her body from a wound I couldn't see. She had two more wounds, one on her neck and another on her upper arm. They couldn't have caused all the bleeding though, they weren't deep enough. My eyes locked on the Slinthead standing over her, a knife in his hand. Without even having to see his face, I knew it was Noah.

My steps slowed, turning into purposeful strides as the boy turned and locked eyes with me. My face scrunched up in pure rage as I got within arms reach of him. Before I even realized what I was doing, my fist connected with his jaw, breaking bones as he crumpled to the ground a few feet away. At that moment, all I knew was that I had to get him away from Clara. I didn't even bother turning around as I yelled at the others who had followed me.

"Hurry! Get her to Clint and Jeff! She's lost a lot of blood! Don't drop her, shanks!"

The boys scrambled, immediately doing as I said. Deep inside, I wanted to smirk, but I didn't. The only thing I was focused on was Noah. I stormed over to him, yanking him up by the collar of his shirt. I slammed his back into a tree as hard as I could, waking him up immediately. I glared at him as he sputtered and gasped, trying desperately to force the air back into his lungs. For good measure, I slammed him into the tree again, watching as his eyes went wide with pain. I heard a crack and knew some of his ribs had broken from the impact.

Into the Fire(Maze Runner)- Newt//GallyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang