5. The Keeper And The New Greenie

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Maze Runner, or any of the ideas or characters. Everything besides Clara and Noah belong to the wonderfully talented writer, James Dashner.


It was midday in the Glade and I was seated underneath a tree by the Deadheads, a sandwich in hand. All morning I had taken care of Noah and stayed with him in case he woke up. He hadn't gotten any better and I feared the worst. My stomach knotted as anxiety ripped through my body, but I quickly pushed the feeling to the side. I took a bite of my sandwich, my head leaned back against the tree as I stared up into the canopy of leaves above.

Everyone had pretty much left me alone today and I was grateful. They all knew I was stressed out about Noah's condition and I made sure they knew that I just wanted to be left alone for today. I had completely forgotten about my dream, having more important things to worry about. Besides, I had chalked it up as just that- a dream. Why over think something that doesn't matter and has no real meaning?

It was probably just my subconscious manifesting my stress and anxiety. At least, that's what I hoped it was. Bark trotted over to where I was, sitting in front of me as he wagged his tail. I glanced at him for a moment before tossing my sandwich in between us for him to eat. I took a deep breath and returned my gaze to the leaves above my head, a forlorn expression made permanent on my face.

What if Noah doesn't get better? Why would he go that far just to prove himself? It doesn't make sense.. I shut my eyes, a wave of exhaustion washing over me as I drifted into unconsciousness. After what seemed like only a few seconds, I felt myself being shaken awake. My eyes fluttered open to see Gally kneeling in front of me. A worried expression laced his features for a split second, before turning into a scowl.

"Get up, Shank. Time for you to get back to work."

"Alright..thanks for waking me up."

I didn't even have the energy to get mad at him. I pulled myself off the ground and walked away as he watched my retreating form, surprised. I got to work cleaning around the Glade, but my mind was somewhere else. Two weeks and four days..that's how long it's been since I arrived in the Glade..Everything was normal, but then Noah runs off into the maze and gets himself stung by a shuck griever. Why did he go in there?

A thick wave of depression washed over me and I had to stop cleaning in order to compose myself. I sighed and got back to work, ready for the day to be over.


Three days later and nothing had changed. Noah was still unconcious and I was still stressed. I hadn't spoken to anyone since Gally woke me up and it seemed to be effecting the entire Glade. A gloomy atmosphere hung over the Gladers as they worked silently. I hadn't even seen anyone so much as smile. It was depressing.

I didn't have much to do today since I had already cleaned everything. Clint wouldn't let me watch after Noah anymore, since his condition hadn't changed. He had told me that it would take time for the changing to be over and I wouldn't do anything but stress myself out if I stayed there all the time. I had no choice but to agree with him. I shouldn't be this worried about that dumb shank anyway..like Gally said the other day, he did it to himself.

I decided to head over to the Gardens to help Newt and Zart pull weeds. It was boring work, but it calmed me down and took my mind off of everything else. As I worked, I felt the boys staring at me, but I ignored them. I just don't feel like talking.. Zart had tried to ask me a few questions, but I simply grunted and continued to pull weeds. Eventually, he got the hint and left me alone.

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