Chapter 2

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Levi's POV

I had ordered Jaeger, Ackerman, Arlert, and (L/n) to clean the stables with me. The other cadets were cleaning other places. (L/n) didn't look to happy to be stuck with me and I wasn't happy about it either. Ackerman and Arlert went to go refill the water buckets and Jaeger sauntered up to (L/n).

"This sucks. It smells like horse shit in here." She laughed at him and finished grooming the horse she was on. 

"At least it's better than cleaning the windows." He leaned on her shoulder as they laughed and I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Jaeger! (L/n)! Extra cleaning!" I yelled at them.

"Levi! That's not fair. We didn't even do anything." (L/n) whined and threw her hands in the air. I turned around and continued dusting.

"You were slacking off. Now, get to work."

"This is why no one likes you." She complained as they got back to work.

What was that? It's not like this place needs extra cleaning. I just felt weird for a minute. Is my sanity slowing wearing down?

Ackerman and Arlert came back and finished their cleaning. They questioned Jaeger and (L/n) as to why they weren't leaving.

"Ugh. Corporal Shorty got mad at us for no reason and now we have extra cleaning."

"I'm taller than you Cadet (L/n)." I stated simply.

"You're still shorter than most people."

"So are you."

"Duh, but I was insulting you. I could really care less about my height. You, however, get pissed whenever someone calls you short."

"You're trying to make me mad?"

"Hell yea! It's my goal in life."

"Tch." I left the stables without another word.

~Time skip~

"Tomorrow we will go outside the walls and deal with a group of titans that are dangerously close to the walls." I stated.

"Cadets Jaeger, Arlert, and (L/n) will go with Corporal Levi." Erwin stated. I heard (L/n) groan from somewhere in the crowd.

"The rest of you will go with Hanji."

"Yahoo! Let's capture one of them!" Hanji shouted.

 I sighed and walked away.

Your POV

"Ugh. Eren save me~!"

"From what?"

"I have to go with Captain Stuck Up tomorrow." I complained.

"I have to go too."

"Why me~?!"

"Just deal with it. You can kill more titans than him and kick his ass again."

"Yay." I yawn and walk into my room. "Night, Eren." I called and went to bed.

~time skip to halfway into the mission.~

I spun and hit the the titan's neck, making a clean cut with my swords. It fell to the ground and started vanishing. In the corner of my eye I could see Levi taking down another one. Gotta up my score.

I took down another three and then took a break resting on a tree branch. Levi landed on the tree in front of me.

"16." He said simply.

"HA! 18. I'm winning."

"Not for long." He used his 3DMG and 'flew' off. I followed suit and took down the last two titans.

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