Chapter 1

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"Tch. Brat can't you clean better?" Levi stated angrily.

"Oh." (Y/n) feigned surprise. "There's dirt on it? I'm so sorry nature is doing its thing."

"You're worse than Jaeger."

"Sorry you hate me so much. The only emotion you must feel huh?"

"Tch." Levi walked away. (Y/n) leaned against the wall and examined her nails. Eren walked in a few minutes later.

"Captain told me to come fix your mistake. What did you do this time?" He sighed.

"Pissed him off. Isn't that obvious?" Eren walked over to her.

"Seriously, what did you do?" He leaned against the wall next to her.

"Half-assed my cleaning job. Hey, it's not my fault nature created dust and dirt." Eren laughed.

"I wish I could piss him off that much."

"Just before he left, he said I was worse than you. Good luck catching up to me." They laughed together. "I'm ready for lunch. How 'bout you?"

"Sure, why not." They walked into the mess hall and sat down next to Mikasa and Armin.

"Hey guys!" (Y/n) said cheerily. They nodded at her.

"Made Corporal mad yet today?" Armin asked.

"Five times before lunch. It's a new record. I'm proud of myself." She sighed and ate her bread.

"You shouldn't make enemies like that." Mikasa said emotionlessly.

"Ahh, you're as boring as Levi." (Y/n) whined. Just then, Levi walked into the room and walked passed their table. "Awww, Eren look. There's a smudge on the table. Mother Nature must hate us, huh?" (Y/n) and Eren snickered.

"Tch." Levi stopped, grabbed her arm, and pulled her close to his face. "Are you trying to get on my bad side?" He whispered threateningly.

"Awww, you mean I wasn't already? Now I'm disappointed." (Y/n) faked a whiney voice. Levi let go of her and walked away.

"(Y/n), you've got guts talking to the Corporal like that." Armin said, a hint of admiration in his voice.

"He's not that scary nor intimidating." She said loud enough for Levi to hear her. Leaning back on her chair, she finished her bread. "What's the schedule for today?"

"Well, after nature's latest attack," Eren snickered, "we are supposed to train in hand-to-hand combat." (Y/n) sighed.

"I'll never see how that helps us defeat titans." After they ate, they all walked out to the training field.

"Today," Levi started, "you all have a break from training. All except (L/n), who will be fighting me."

"Awww yea. I get to annoy you and kick your ass in the same day. Lucky me!" (Y/n) shouted. Everyone else sighed in relief.

(Y/n) and Levi walked to the middle of the field and everyone else sat down to watch. No one had a clue as to who would win. They got into fighting stances. Levi looked bored and emotionless, while (y/n) looked excited at the chance to beat him.

Levi started the fight by punching towards her face. She easily dodged and kicked at his side. He jumped back out of range and she missed, her foot landing to the side of her. This caused her to land on it, pivot, jump, and spin towards Levi. He wasn't ready for it and her kick landed on the side of his ribs. It only momentarily winded him, though.

She backed away as he threw another punch, this one aimed toward her gut. Sliding back, she planted her feet on the ground to stop her momentum. Levi ran at her and she flipped over his head. However, he grabbed her leg at the last second and she fell. She rolled away as he kicked at her, his foot landing where her head would have been. She jumped up and side flipped out of the way of another kick. He chased her.

(Y/n) grew bored, so she kicked into full gear mode. She twisted around to his back and slammed her elbow into him. He stumbled forward and regained his balance, only to receive a kick to the chest. He fell back and landed on the ground. She straddled him and pinned his arms to the side of his head. The fight was over. The others cheered and (y/n) got off of him.

"Yay. (Y/n) one and Levi zero." She said and started walking away. "Oh." She stopped and turned around. "You might want to get up. Dirt seems to be accumulating on your clothes." She laughed as she walked away.

"Tch. Annoying brat." Levi said, stood up, and brushed dirt off of his clothes. When he looked back up, everyone was cheering for (y/n) and patting her on the back. They walked inside and Levi headed for the stables.


A/n Sorry for ending it here. I will try and update again today. Hope you like it so far. The music is World's Greatest Battle Music Ever: Omega.

Is This Love Corporal?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora