Chapter 38 | Someone You Loved

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I've have a lot of shitty things happen to me in my lifetime. My body is a living testament of that fact. But this week...

Let's just say it was the fourth worst week of my life. The first was the week my mom died; the second was the week my brother ran away, the third was the week my father hit me and I got raped; and the fourth was this one.

Here's a little run-down. On Monday, I sat alone; no one looked at me, no one talked to me. Word got around that I had some issues with Tyler...that right there is ground for social isolation. Tyler seemed different too, but he was happy, laughing with his friends, and enjoying life. I wonder if what I said even affected him.

Tuesday is when it started. At first, it was colorful language directed at me, which I'm not going to say, then the usual glares.

Wednesday, it was shoves, pushes, and trips. By now, I'd given up hope of ever fixing my relationship with them. Bianca, much to my dismay, wore a triumphant grin every time I was body checked by Ethan, Dylan or one of the girls. Tyler didn't even blink in y direction.

Thursday I tried to talk to them, but I failed miserably since they were all glaring at me as if daring me to speak.

Then, Friday. The game changer.

I was in English class, people were presenting their projects, and Tyler and I were called up. But before I could stand, Tyler spoke up. "Actually, we decided to go our separate ways, but I'm ready to present." "Oh, okay, then you may present."

He glared at me and stood up in front of the class. I watched him in shock as he showed them our presentation. Even my own notes! When he was done, he sat down, and I was called up. I had no project, and I was frozen. "Bella? I said it's your turn." "I don't have a project. I didn't finish it." I put my head down. To say I was embarrassed was an understatement.

"Talk to me after class." I sat back down and glared at him. "What the hell? That was a dick move, and you know it." He looked at me, grabbed my wrist, and yanked me up. I winced slightly but did nothing. "We'll be back." Tyler announced matter-of-factly and left the class.

Once we were out of earshot, he whipped back around and looked at me, his face devoid of any emotion. "Dick move? You're too bitchy to deserve that grade and what I did is nothing compared to what I'll do if you don't shut the hell up and leave us alone."

That stung. It hurt that they thought I meant it, I may have been reluctant for friendship at first, but they had become my best friends, much to Pat's dismay, they meant everything to me. And I let them down, and I couldn't say why. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "You really are—a sorry excuse of a human, I mean." I stepped back and bit my quivering lip. My hands were trembling and he looked at me. Tears were blurring my vision and I ran. I ran fast to the nearest washroom. I walked in and locked it, then paced back and forth.

Breathe, c'mon, now breathe.

No doubt I was having another attack. I managed to calm myself, barely and looked in the mirror, where I saw Bianca and her minions staring at me. Her usual bitchy smirk is prominent.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here, I was actually just coming to look for you."

"Haven't you already done enough, Bianca?" "Hmmmm, no. Here's the thing:" She turned me around forcefully. "You being here is making my progress with Tyler too slow, I need you to leave." "What?" "You heard me. Leave, I don't want you in school, come to think of it, none of us do, so do us a favour and leave. If you refuse, one click and your secret goes public." In another life I would've fought her, but I was so tired of fighting all the time, fighting my demons, my anxiety, my father, my past, I gave up, and I knew better than to mess with her.

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