Chapter 16 | Uncharted Territory

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I know that isn't the original song but I love this version so much!

Chapter 16 | Uncharted Territory

"I never knew you could sing or play like that, Bella you're amazing you have to do something with your talent."

We were sitting on the piano chair, Tyler still had his arm around me even though I had stopped crying a little while ago. My head rested gently on his shoulder and he rubbed circles on the back of my hand with his palm.

It was calming in case you were wondering.

I shrugged "maybe, but thanks for the hype." "Do you play any other instruments?" He asked "Yea guitar" "which kind?" "Acoustic. How about you?" "Guitar. Acoustic and electric."

"Wow, The Tyler McAdams is a musician, huh, who woulda thought. Wait how did you know I was in here?"

"I was gonna come talk to you but I couldn't find you. I was on my way back to the cafeteria when I heard you playing and then..."

He trailed off but I knew what he was gonna say "oh okay what were you gonna talk to me about?"

"I was gonna apologize. I know I act like an asshole sometimes but it's like I can't control it, I don't know why it's just I-"

"I get it Tyler, no need to explain" "You do? How? I haven't even said anything." I smiled "lemme guess before I came it was you, Dylan and Ethan. Girls threw themselves at you guys, parties every weekend, you had a routine. Then all of a sudden, this girl comes and quite literally crashes into your world. You expect her to be like the other desperate girls so you don't bother caring, but she's not. She calls your BS, she isn't afraid to fight back and she's not what you're used to. It's uncharted territory. Then, to make things better, your friends invite her to hang which of course means her friends are automatically invited and you don't like it. You're used to things done a certain way. Now there's a random girl who you need to get used to. You tend to be closed off and now you need to try to open up yourself to her and her friends. It's easier with her friends 'cause they don't talk back like her and they are easy-going. But you try, you try hard but you can't because you don't know if you'll be rejected or accepted. So you keep your true feelings bottled up and instead of showing your true self you fight, always pick at little things just to remind yourself that you haven't revealed anything. Then you have a vulnerable moment and to cover it up you act like a self-absorbed jerk-face. Believe me Tyler, I get it. We're not as different as you think."

I look over when I hear a faint chuckle and he stands up and shakes his head "I don't get you." He says staring intently at me "what do you mean?" "You're unpredictable, I never know what you're gonna say, what you're gonna do...nothing. Most times, I can tell what a person will do but never with you. You're stubborn, headstrong, tenacious, spunky, sassy and your attitude is over the roof but you're not a bitch either...well unless someone crosses're also kind, caring and so many other things. I admire that about you. I like how you're not easy and you call me out when I do stupid stuff, you set me straight and granted it's annoying as fuck, it doesn't change the fact that I like it. I meant what I said, you're not like most girls."

I stood up as well and walked to the wall

"Well that's great 'cause I don't wanna be like most girls."

I looked up and my breath hitched. I was met with a pair of beautiful blue eyes. I looked down and felt his one arm slowly wrap around my waist while the other lifted my chin to face him.

"Thank you for crashing into me that day." He put his hand at the side of my face.

"Technically you crashed into me but sure, you're welcome," I replied and bit my lip, it was a tick I did whenever I got nervous.

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