Defeat the prototype Nomu!

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The battle continues as the heroes fights off the Nomu that went on a rampage throughout the villains base and it went intense.

Trumpet:(Talking on the phone) I see? So everything went down to the ground but you managed to get the stuff out of there correct?
Goon: Yes sir! Everything is heading out as you speak. Including that thing you were telling me to give to the doc when I get there.
Trumpet: Very good. I'll be seeing you soon.(hangs up the phone)Okay now that is taking care of...Let's just in joy the show.

Nomu: DIE!!!!(Slashing the air)
Grand Torino:(Attacks him from behind)
Grand Torino: Shit!
Seiji:(protects him with meat quirk and Nomu gets stuck to it)
Grand Torino: Thanks for the save!
Fat Gum: He took the hit but didn't go flying?! That's one tough body he has!
Nomu:(Breaks free)
Seiji: Turning him into meat is not going to work on him!
Nomu:(Charges in to attack Seiji and he protects himself with his meat quirk from the attack but he goes flying and smashes into parts of the factory)
Gale Force: Seiji!
Mora: Such strength!(tries to grab him but his hair get cut by the Nomu's sharp blades)
Shoto: Try this!(Using Ice but gets away)
Lord Vortex: This thing is fast! Gale Force with me!
Gale Force: Got it!

Both Gale and Lord Vortex fly into the air and carry the Nomu inside the wind they created)

Lord Vortex: Endeavor!
Endeavor: On it!(Fires in a massive explosion of fire and the flames swallowed up the Nomu)
Lord Vortex: Keep it burning! Make sure this thing is barbecued!

Lord Vortex: Endeavor!Endeavor: On it!(Fires in a massive explosion of fire and the flames swallowed up the Nomu)Nomu:(AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!)Lord Vortex: Keep it burning! Make sure this thing is barbecued!

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Trumpet: Oh no! If this keeps up it won't survive?!

Trumpet: Hmmmm? I thinks it time we release its true power

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Trumpet: Hmmmm? I thinks it time we release its true power...(Hits a button that controls it)

Endeavor: All most got it!
Gale Force: Huh?!

(Everything was going good till suddenly a powerful shock wave pushed the heroes back)

Lord Vortex: What was that!
Gale Force: What the! Look!

Lord Vortex: What was that!Gale Force: What the! Look!

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(Note to self these pictures are not mine)

Endeavor: It transformed!

(Back down on the ground)
Deku: No way?!
Shoto: They've re-created that thing again!
Camie: You fought this thing before?
Deku: Yes Camie?! Back at the start of UA?! And it's really strong?!


(Back to now)Bakugo: It may look like the other one but something about this one is different?

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(Back to now)
Bakugo: It may look like the other one but something about this one is different?

(The Nomu lands back to the ground with a power slam when it hits the ground shattering the area it landed on)
Grand Torino: This is getting serious now?! Stay on your feet!

(The Nomu charges in and goes for Grand Torino)
Grand Torino:(It's more faster than it was before?!)
Orca Wave:(jumps in front of Grand Torino)Body shine!
Nomu:(Blinded by the light)
Orca Wave: Now everyone!

(Everyone worked together too finish off the Nomu faster but it's body was more stronger it's body was like armor now. None of the heroes quirk couldn't take damage on it)

Orca Wave: None of our attacks didn't get through him!
Grand Torino: His body has harden ability's? This is not gonna be easy?!
Nomu:(ROARING!!!!)(Charges in)
Fat gum: Incoming!

(The fight continues and the front part of the entrance was destroyed leaving nothing but a huge impact crater)

(In the Air)
Lord Vortex: Everyone okay!
Deku: I think so?! Huh? Wait are we floating?!
Gale Force: Me and Lord Vortex managed to get everyone off the ground?! Didn't expect this thing to be that strong?!
Shoto: Wait your a wind user like Inasa?
Lord Vortex: That's right young Todoroki. I'm the master of wind style here. Plus thanks to the help of my student Yoarishi we managed to get everyone out of that area. Plus Gale Force that's a perfect score once again.
Gale Force: Thank you sir!
Bakugo: So he taught baldy how to do this thing?!
Deku: Amazing?!
Endeavor: This thing is starting to get on my nerves here! Is there anything we can do to stop this thing?!
Deku:(Looks around and sees a nearby power box just outside the villains area)
Mora: You got any ideas?(Talks to Deku)
Deku: We could try frying it?
Bakugo: What are you talking about Deku?
Deku: See that charge box over there. Just outside the factory. If we can try luring it to that high voltage power box we can try electrifying it. With so much volts it has to work?
Seiji: That doesn't sound like a bad idea but it is risky?
Bakugo: Oh bravo that's a good idea. But one question? How the hell are you supposed to get it there!
Mora: We do have a electric hero on our side. Kyojin feel up for the challenge?
Charger: Don't mind if I do.
Bakugo: Are any of you dumbasses listening to me!
Camie: It's gonna be tough. You're gonna have to go full power mode to get him fried up.
Charger: Not to worry about that. I am a 3rd year of Shiketsu. Plus I can take my volts up more than I can handle. But I need some time to charge up. Give me 2 minutes and I'll be at full charged. Can all of you hold up for 2 minutes?
Mora: You can count on it.
Camie: No arguments there.😉
Deku: I hope you guys are done because he's already done waiting!
Charger: Not to worry about it volunteer we know what to do. Gale Force I'm gonna need you to get that thing off the ground when Lord Vortex can give you the signal. Deku can you keep it restrain with that black webs of yours for as long as you can?
Deku: It's call black whip and I'll try my best and I'm gonna need some extra help.
Orca wave: My squad can give you a hand. But first let's get this thing restraint down to the ground while Charger and the others get everything ready.
Endeavor: I'll take the lead and Orca wave get ready to blind that thing while everyone else gets to work.
Orca wave: Roger!

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