New villain appears! The master of long range attacks!

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A whole week now has gone by and Izuku has one more week left to go before he goes back to the east side where UA is at. After the whole Mall incident that happened a little while back Izuku and the other still couldn't find where Trumpet went into hiding after he disappeared from the crowd. They still need to find him before it was too late.

Gale Force: Damnit?! It's like we're going in circles?! We looked everywhere across the west side and we still haven't found anything to do with Trumpet!(Frustrated as he punches the wall)
Mora: Calm down Inasa you're not the only one who is getting frustrated here. We all are.
Seiji: We even turn this whole city upside down and still nothing?
Camie: Hmm?!(Looks behind her)
Deku: Is something wrong?
Camie:(Strange? It almost feels like someone is watching us?
Deku:(Looks back where she was looking at)Maybe you just imagine it.
Camie: Your probably right let's go.

(After they left a mysterious man appeared)
Man: Hehehe...That's right keep on looking around for us...(They'll never know I'm watching them)

(The mysterious man disappeared as he used his quirk as a camouflage)

(A couple hours later at noontime the heroes were having a lunch break on the rooftop)
Camie: Wow this tea stuff is real good.
Deku: You like it. One of my classmates name Yaoyorozu Momo likes this tea. She let me take some for two weeks volunteer work I'm doing.
Seiji:(Takes a sip of the tea)Not bad.
Mora: It does have a good taste.
Gale Force: Mmm😋 This stuff is really good! It tastes so rich!
Deku: Glad you all like it. My classmate does come from a rich family.
Gale Force: No way for real?!
Camie: Okay before I forget why don't we review what we know so far. We captured a goon that was working for Trumpet, then we found Trumpet's journal that was saying about a mysterious project.
Mora: That's only two things we found so far and we don't have anymore information about that yet?

(From a distance just behind them)
Man:(So they have been working on catching some of our minor goons we only have? They haven't got to us yet I see...)(kicks a bucket by accident) Crap!
Mora: What was that?(Looks around)
Seiji: I heard it to? It sounded like it came from over there?
Man:(Shit!)(Activates his quirk to make himself camouflage like the wall.)
Deku:(Walks to where the sound was at)Hmm?(Looks down and sees the bucket that was knocked over)Was somebody here? Hello?
Man:(Damnit?! This is bad?! I gotta get out of here before they find me here?!)
Seiji: Anything?(Walks to Deku)
Deku: Nothing? It could've been an animal?
Gale Force:(Pick the bucket up)Oh well whatever it was it's gone now.(throws it to the wall)
Man:(Gets hit by the bucket to the face)OWW!!!
Man:(Covers his mouth quickly)
Deku: Did that wall said ow?
Seiji: Walls don't talk?! Show yourself!
Man:(Oh great!?)(stops his quirk)
Seiji: Just as I thought! Who are you!
Camie: Wait I've seen this guy before?!
Man: Uh oh?!
Mora: Deku, Gale restrain him!
Gale Force: Got it!
Deku: Right!
Man Wait hold on sec?! Stop!

(Five minutes later)
Seiji: Good work you two.
Deku: Okay who are you and why are you here!
Seiji: Don't worry Deku I can make him talk.
Man: Like you're gonna make me talk you little punk!
Seiji: Your going to or I can just turn you into a meatball right now with my quirk and feed you to the dogs!
Man: Ahh where did these dogs come from?! They weren't here just a second ago!
Seiji: You have 10 seconds before I turn into dog meat! 10...
Man: Okay, okay you kids win! Jeez! I'll tell you everything!
Seiji: 9...
Man: Your still counting!
Seiji: 8...
Man: My name Shun Chin I work for Trumpet?!
Gale Force: Your not lying to us are you?
Shun: I'm not really?! You have to believe me!
Seiji: 7...
Deku: He could be telling the truth?
Seiji: 6...
Shun: Yes I am!
Seiji: You have 5 seconds left.
Shun: Why don't you believe me!
Seiji: 4...
Shun: Please?!
Seiji: 3...
Shun: I don't want to be a meatball!
Seiji: 2...(activating his quirk)
Shun: I beg you!
Seiji: 1!
Shun: OKAY YOU WIN!!! I am spying on you so you brats won't interfere my boss's project!
Seiji:•••Is that all?
Shun: Yes!(Crying)
Seiji: Okay Camie you can stop now.

(The dogs disappears)

Camie: Sometimes I like it when you do that.
Shun: You kids are dark?! Little hell spawns?!
Seiji: Spill it now!
Shun: Okay!

(The spy that was working with Trumpet explained everything to them)

Seiji: What is this project Trumpet is working on?
Shun: He said this project will be his greatest masterpiece to help the league of villains. He said something about helping the crazy guy with a bunch of hands all over his body to make himself stronger than our previous boss.
Seiji: Guy with a bunch of hands on his body?
Deku: Gasp?! Wait do you mean Shigaraki Tomura?!
Shun: Yes that's him?! We underestimate him and his comrades when they came to our hometown where only villains are allowed to live. He went crazy when he took down are original leader and he took his spot and now he serves him. He literally wiped out most of our home!
Deku:(He's already gotten a lot stronger when I last saw him?! Whatever that project that Shigaraki wants it can't be good?!)
Gale Force:(Looking at Deku as he was beginning to sweat in fear)
Mora: Okay now that you told us his plan. Where can we find him?
Shun: Well-

(A loud gun shot noise came out of nowhere and shot Shun right in the head)
Seiji: GET DOWN!!!

(Everyone was taking cover as shots were being fired)

Camie: A sniper!
Mora: Where's it coming from?!
Seiji: It came from the right side where that spy was shot at? Stay down everyone!

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