Your roommate for two weeks.

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Izuku and the others made it to Shiketsu high school and they made their way to the Shiketsu principal's office to meet him.

Principal of Shiketsu: Welcome to Shiketsu high school heroes of the east.
Fat Gum: How's it going sir.
Principal of Shiketsu: It's good to see you again Toyomitsu. Huh? Well if it isn't Grand Torino. It's been along time.
Grand Torino: It has been along time since we last saw each other. Time sure flies doesn't it.
Deku: Hello sir my name Izuku Midoriya. The 1st year volunteer student of UA high school. It's an honor to meet you.(Bows to him)
Principal of Shiketsu: My my what a wonderful way to introduce yourself. My name is Izumo Chikara. Also know as the pro hero Lord Vortex.

Izumo Chikara! Hero name Lord Vortex! His quirk: Cyclone! He can create powerful cyclones that can damage buildings and destroy any forest with a single attack!

Izumo: So your the boy Nezu told me about. Welcome to Shiketsu. Take a seat so we can talk about what's happening right now here.
Deku: Yes sir.
Izumo: Would you like something to drink?
Deku: Yes please.

As everyone was in the office Izumo was explaining the situation to Izuku and the others.

Fat Gum: I see...So that explains everything.
Izumo: The other heroes and myself have been quite busy for the whole month and we are getting closer to finding the villains stronghold. Also they have allies that work with the league of villains.
Deku, FatGum, Grand Torino:!!!!!
Deku: The league of villains have allies here?!
Izumo: Yup we did found who's in charge. The villain's name is Trumpet. But his real name is Koku Hanabata. Here's a picture of him.

Izumo: He came from another town outside of Tokyo city back at the east side

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Izumo: He came from another town outside of Tokyo city back at the east side. His quirk is call Incite. This allows him to line up his voice with an electromagnetic pulse. Kinda like a microphone. Depending on how loud he can make it.
Grand Torino: Almost like Present Mic's quirk.
Deku: Where was he last spotted?
Izumo: He was last spotted at in abandoned warehouse. But by the time we got there he was already gone along with his group. They don't stay in one spot. They're always on the move. So hopefully will catch them soon including him.
Fat Gum: So how about we get to work. We still have some daylight before the sun goes down.
Deku: Right then let's get moving right sir?
Grand Torino: Not so fast young Midoriya you're staying here.
Deku: Huh why?!
Grand Torino: Since we have showed up here it's best to know your new comrades here first. Besides we can't just have an unknown new hero running around the west side without a good reason.
Izumo: You've just read my mind Torino. I was just about to say that.
Grand Torino: Sorry for stealing your thunder.
Deku: Ok sure but who should I talk to then?
(Door knocking)
Izumo: Ah perfect timing. Come on in!
(Door opens and comes inside was Inasa)
Inasa: You need me sir?
Izumo: That's right young man. Yoarashi I present to you your new roommate.
Inasa: Wait really?! I get a roommate!
Izumo: That's correct. You get the volunteer UA kid for 2 weeks.
Deku: Wait what?! I'm staying here?!
Izumo: It's best if you know who the Shiketsu students are first. Don't worry you'll fit in great with them.
Deku: Okay but-Whoa?!(gets grabbed by Inasa)
Inasa: Come on my new roommate let's go!(picks him up and carrying his stuff)
Deku: Aahhh?! What are you doing put me down?! I can walk to you know?!
Inasa: I know this school better than anyone else. Don't want you to get lost right hahahaha!(walking out of the office with him)
Deku: Grand Torino! Fat Gum!(Grabs the wall)
Grand Torino: Be on your best behavior young Midoriya. Will see you tomorrow morning okay.
Fat Gum: Have fun!
Deku: But whoa!(Let's go of the wall)
Inasa: Don't worry you'll like this place in know time!(Happy)
Deku:(Oh man...This is gonna be a long two weeks I bet?!)

Inasa takes Izuku to the Shiketsu dorms where Izuku will be staying for 2 weeks with them.

Inasa takes Izuku to the Shiketsu dorms where Izuku will be staying for 2 weeks with them

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Izuku: Thanks for letting me change out of my hero costume.
Inasa: No problem. Anyways here we are. Welcome to the Shiketsu 1A dorms!
Izuku:(It's the same size as 1A dorms back at UA?)That's right you're a first year just like me right?
Inasa: Yup. Let me introduce you to everyone.

(Both boys head inside)

Inasa: I'm back everyone!
Shiketsu boy 1: Your back sooner than expected? Huh? Who's this guy?

The other Shiketsu kids in the dorm see's Izuku for the first time as they get a better look at him.

Shiketsu boy 2: Who is he a transfer student?
Shiketsu girl 1: Do you have a name?
Izuku: My name is Izuku Modoriya. The volunteer student of UA high school.
Shiketsu 1A:(surprised)
Shiketsu boy 3: Wait I remember you?! You're that kid who gets his arms messed up right?
Izuku: Huh?
Shiketsu boy 3: I remember watching you on tv during the UA sports festival. You were so awesome to take on Endeavor's son. You may have lost to him but you were still a badass in the end.(Smiles)
Izuku: Uhh thanks.
Shiketsu girl 2: So why are you here for volunteering?
Izuku: The heroes here on the west side needed more heroes to help you out here. I was one of the heroes to be chosen to help you guys out for a couple of weeks here. Along with the other hero schools.
Shiketsu girl 3: Cool we get some help from our rival friends across the east!(Happy)
Izuku: I'm looking forward on working with you guys.

As Izuku was getting along well with the Shiketsu 1A students Inasa takes him to his dorm room.

As Izuku was getting along well with the Shiketsu 1A students Inasa takes him to his dorm room

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Inasa: Here we are.
Izuku: Wow?! The room is a lot bigger than the dorm room I have back at UA? Whoa a bunk bed?!
Inasa: The top one is yours. Go ahead and make yourself at home.
Izuku: This place is amazing. I never thought Shiketsu would be this cool.(Sets his bag down on the top of the bunk bed.)
Inasa: I was like that myself when I first reacted to this when I first came here. I didn't expect to get myself a roommate all of a sudden.
Izuku: Wait you never had a roommate in here yet?
Inasa: When I first came here the room I was in was a shared dorm room for two students to stay in. But I ended up with this dorm room instead of a single room for myself. But It didn't matter if this place is big. I actually like it. Does UA have a dorm room like this?
Izuku: Hmmm? Actually I haven't seen one yet?
Inasa: Oh well you never know right?
Izuku: Right.
Inasa: Since it's just the two of us I never got to know you yet. I didn't even get a chance to talk to you either on how cool you were at the exams. Shoto did mention you a few times when I was with him at the made up hero course.
Izuku: Well maybe this is the good to know each other better.(Sits down)Let's know each other. I'll go first.

(As Izuku settles in and talks to Inasa to know more about him. While that's going on somewhere in the west side of city. The villains are on the move.)

Trumpet: I some of our people have been caught already by unexpected heroes showing up. Damnit. Thanks for telling me.(Hangs up the phone)
Villain 5: What now sir?
Trumpet: We stick to the plan. Right now it's time we give those heroes a little extra credit for them. Besides we still have some time still before they catch up to us again. For now let's just keep it going.

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