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I left Tsunade to her own device after that, she still needed time to think about everything. I gave her space after we talked, I didn't want to seem too pushy. I even left the village for a few days after I almost ran into Jiraiya, only to run into Kabuto. 

I would've rather Jiraiya. 

He said how Orochimaru was curious about what I was up to and wanted me to come to it. I made sure to voice my annoyance to Kabuto, to which he became annoyed as well. 

Suffer with me. 

~~~~(- - )~~~~~

"You're his dog, not me." 

Kabuto rolled his eyes, "and you're a stray dog he picked up, no difference." 

His words didn't help my mood, and definitely didn't help my will. What if I just leave? I don't need to see him. I would rather never see him, but we both know it would get tricky if I didn't go. 

I might pull a Dazai. 

"I'll be a stray dog, but you're one too. Barely tamed, and ready to bite his master." I smirked, "you, my good sir, overestimate yourself too much. You need to be humbled, soon." 

Kabuto sneered at me and kept quiet ever since. I too wouldn't want to speak with me when I'm annoyed. 

And it definitely didn't get better when I saw that pale armless snake. I know snakes are armless, he just reverted back to his natural form. 

When that thought crept into my head I had to keep myself from smiling in his presence. He might think I'm going mad. 

"Ishi, my dear~." I suppressed a shiver. 

Please don't call me that. Don't call me at all actually. 

"Orochimaru, you look healthy." I didn't even sound sarcastic, just annoyed. 

"Why thank you," he smiled. I suppressed another shiver, my body rejecting his entire presence. 

Literally don't smile. 

Don't breathe. 

Don't even exist. 

Is that so hard? 

Orochimaru, after a few seconds of silence, finally decided to talk about the big issue. Tsunade's decision. A silence fell on us as we all thought of her, on what she could do. 

"I'm eager to hear her answer," Orochimaru smiled. 

Actually it was kinda a sneer. I don't know what he is so unhappy about, that fact he has to ask for help with his arms, or the fact he has to ask her for help. 

Kabuto added to Orochimaru's statement, "Which one will she choose? If she agrees to our conditions, your arms will be healed, and the destruction of the Leaf village will continue immediately. Lady Tsunade will also be able to reunite with the two whom she loves. But if she doesn't agree..." 

Orochimaru looked at me, analyzing my reaction to everything. 

"Then I'll simply use force to bend her to my way of thinking." I couldn't stop the slight frown what came on my face, but I didn't hide it as Orochimaru smirked like he won something. 

"You really think it'll be that easy?" Kabuto questioned. 

Orochimaru rolled his eyes, "That's what you're for." He smirked, "No need to worry, in all the world there is no one who knows Tsunade better than I. Including her greatest weakness. She'll agree to the proposition, I guarantee it." 

Kabuto had a satisfied look on his face, leaving the room to do something. Leaving me alone with the snake. 

"What do you think?" Orochimaru asked, a pleased expression on his face. 

"I'm curious how you hid your personality from the world for so long." I'm not answering his question. I know she won't do it, but she doesn't know that she won't. She doesn't trust herself yet with the answer. 

But she will. 

Orochimaru chuckled at my statement, "trust is a powerful thing, once you have it, betrayal becomes the last thing in your mind. I only used that fact until I could no longer hold it against them." 

I looked unimpressed by his words, "so you were using them the whole time, you're still using her?" 

Orochimaru tilted his head in mock glee, "you understand me, my dear." I narrowed my eyes, not saying anything. 

But he decided to answer for me, "maybe when I was a naïve child I had some kind of love towards them, but it didn't last. I had a different calling." 

I scoff, "yes, your fear of the eternal sleep." 

Orochimaru snickered at my words, obviously amused by my mocking. "Aren't we all? Death is a scary experience." 

Been there done that, don't wanna go through it again. 

"So much so that the living only live by how and when they will die, or how to prevent it." I sighed, remembering so many stories. 

But my words actually meant something this time. Now that got a response out of him other than amusement. It was anger. But it isn't really directed at me. "Yes, I agree," he sounded bitter. 

"What does death mean to you?" I was surprised by the question, never really gave it thought. 

"I couldn't tell you, I don't know. I thought it was the end, but then I was proven wrong." 

Orochimaru, while not completely satisfied with my answer, still took it. What did he expect, a grand answer. Weird questions get weird answers. 

But then, he smirked. Excuse me? I thought you were unsatisfied? 

"Too much like me." What does that mean you snake? 

"Explain?" I groaned, tired of this whole conversation. 

"You sound like me, like my thoughts. Like my answers." He gave me a look, like he was amused, annoyed and impressed at the same time. 


"Nah, you're stretching it." I crossed my arms, adding more and more sass to get this man to kick me out. 

"I am not." 

He stood up with difficulty, and shuffled his way towards me. 

"You sound like me, think like me." He stood right in front of me, looking down as he was taller. 

"Like a scientist. Like a researcher. Like someone who wants to know more. Like me." The glint in his eyes grew stronger, as well as his disgusting smile. 

"And that's why I keep you around. The fact you think like me. The fact I don't even have to influence you to think like me, it's just who you are." 

I bet he would love to choke me now, too bad he can't. 

"Let's just say you're right," a smirk came on my face. "Why so much malice? Why do you hate it so much?"

A/n Took a second to write this, sorry people. Please enjoy this chapter to all your hearts content. I love reading your comments and sweet words! Enjoy~

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