Ch 45

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"I thought you wanted to take a back seat?" Kabuto and I were getting ready for the Chunin exams.

"I do, but that doesn't mean I can't observe from A VIP seat," I was really excited to go back to Konoha.

Obito could try to kill me all he wanted, I didn't care.

"She just wants to see some old faces," Orochimaru said, but I could tell he meant it for himself too. His was more malicious than mine of course.

I nodded, "that too."

I had my own team and everything too, but they were just so that I could actually do the exam. Genin must enter as part of a three-man team, but we'll leave at the same time Kabuto does.

"How should I appear?" I muttered, more to myself than them.

"Just be yourself," Orochimaru commented.

"Arrogant," Kabuto said jokingly, I would like to think he didn't mean it.

"Arrogant, or arrogant arrogant?" Kabuto smirked, "be insufferable."

I laughed, "got it."

And we were on our way.

////( - -)////(- -)////(- - )////

"Why are we just standing here, let's just go in?" Sina said. She was one of the sound ninjas that Orochimaru gave me. The other one's name is Konotsu.

"Just watch," I smirked as I saw team Guy getting smacked around by Izumo and Kotetsu disguised as genin. Most were just standing around watching in confusion.

"There they are~" I turn to team Kakashi as they make their way through the crowd.

"Real nice speech," Sasuke said, walking forward.

"Now both of you step aside and let me through," he moved closer to them, showing indifference.

"While you're at it, reverse the genjutsu, we can see through your illusion anyway. We're going to the third floor," many genin start to talk amongst themselves in confusion to what Sasuke said.

"Well well," Kotetsu said, "so you noticed the genjutsu huh?" Izumo finished. Sasuke smirked "go ahead, tell them Sakura," Sasuke turned to Sasukra who was confused, "huh?"

Sasuke turned his attention back forward, "you have the sharpest eyes and the best analytical skills on our squad. You must have seen this coming a mile away."

Sakura finally got what Sasuke was doing and smirked herself, "I must have? Oh sure, of course! Sure I spotted it right away, this is only the second floor."

Naruto pitched in, "right!"

I smiled warmly in my head, he's grown up.

The genjutsu was broken and reverted back to its original form.

"Well, aren't we the smart ones, so you noticed an illusion," Kotetsu mocked.

"Now let's see you deal with this!" He went in for a kick. Sasuke noticed and also went and tried to kick him. But Rock Lee caught both their legs right before they made contact.

He is fast, he could rival me if he was a little faster than me though.

"Hey, what happened to the plan?" Neji and Tenten walked over to Rock Lee. "I thought you were the one who said to keep a low profile."

Rock Lee started to blush, "I know, but..."

He looked at Sakura blushing. "Oh no..." Tenten shook her head in disappointment.

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