Ch 69

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I managed to escape from Konoha before things got too messy. I got all I needed and some unnecessary attention. It's not that I didn't want to stay hidden, but I also didn't want to be found out. 

It's complicated. 

Jumping through the trees was rather therapeutic, the wind in my hair and the smell of nature at its purest. After a few hours it was evident that the sun was setting soon. 

But what was even more alarming was that there was someone coming towards me. 

2 someone to be exact. 

But there was no malice, so I knew they weren't here for me. They were just travelers. But I knew it wasn't so simple. We jumped past each other, a casual thing as we both had no care for the other group. 

But I recognized them. 

I recognized him. 

Itachi Uchiha. 

As we jumped past each other it felt like time stopped. Especially when we made eye contact. My eyes widened in surprise but he stayed the same. I don't think he recognized me. He was older, way older. He had those same cold eyes from that time.

Kisame was with him as well, but he didn't mind me. 

I landed on the next tree I saw and turned around to see them, but they were already gone. I frowned, annoyed by seeing them both. 

I never have any time to relax. 

The plot never stops. 

And I never catch a break. 

I have another plan in the works, one that I have to play out until it's too late. 

I have to find her. 

I have to find her before it's too late. I have to make her trust me, because she is the only one I trust. 

After a bit more time passed, I finally found Orochimaru's hideout. Since my plan worked out so well, I wanted to test my luck with this armless snake. 

Oh wait, snakes were always meant to be armless. He just reverted back into his original state. 

I laugh at my own joke, knowing more were to come. I heard people talking and slowly made my way towards them. I didn't show myself as I wanted to hear what they were saying first. 

Orochimaru's shaky breathing was all I could hear as Kabuto helped him sit down in a chair. "Sarutobi." Orochimaru said his name like a quiet whisper, like his name was a forbidden word. Like his name was poison. 

"You didn't think it would be easy, did you? Look who you were playing with, One of the most renowned ninja in all the five great shinobi nations. You did very well though, two of the five are out of the way-" 

"Shut your mouth." Kabuto's snide mockery was cut off by Orochimaru's rage filled contempt. 

"I won't be patronized. Do you understand me? I'll kill you." Orochimaru glared at Kabuto as I smirked from behind the corner. 

Kill him? With what hands? 

After a brief silence, Kabuto reluctantly apologized. "Forgive me, I didn't wish to..." 

I silently chuckled as Kabuto stopped himself from apologizing so much he'd seem fake. 

"I'll grant you we didn't bring down the village, but let us not forget our other objective. Sasuke. You've done it, your leash is around his neck." 

I shook my head, Sasuke is going to completely burn that leash later. 

"And all that it cost me were my arms and the entirety of my jutsu." Orochmaru sounds really bitter about the outcome of this fight, and it sounds so sweet to me. Can't wait to hear more. 

"If I'd only gotten a hold of Itachi Uchiha from the beginning, we wouldn't be in this mess. But it's too late now, that dream has died. Itachi is stronger than I am." 

I frowned at the mention of his name, still slightly sore at the thought of him trying to kill me. 

It's not fun getting stabbed, not fun at all. 

Orochimaru glanced at his old ring from the Akatsuki, "that is why I pulled myself out of that organization." 

I chuckled, finally emerging from the darkness, "you seem to have a pattern of running away a lot." 

Orochimaru snapped his head in my direction. "Ishi, where did you go? I was looking for you." 

I smiled, taking off my blindfold, "just a few things I need to get done." Kabuto stepped closer to Orochimaru, almost like he was protecting him. 

I smirked, "Kabuto, what's the deal? I'm not going to do anything?" 

The fake innocence in my voice was apparent, and that made Orochimaru frown. 

"You want to kill me?" 

I shook my head, "no, thought I do admit it would be satisfying. But recent times have made sure that won't ever happen. Thank your God for that." 

Kabuto didn't move and neither did Orochimaru. I breathed out a sigh of annoyance, "seriously, why does no one believe me. I don't want to hurt you, I just wanted to see the outcome to your underestimation of your former master." 

Orochimaru rolled his eyes, "Kabuto, she's not a threat." Kabuto sighed and finally let me get closer. 

"I must say, you do seem to be enjoying this. Way too much." 

I smirked, "does it seem that way?" Orochimaru didn't even acknowledge my sarcasm, "did you get what you wanted?" 

I nodded, "you bet, and I got a show." I chuckled slyly, bending down so we were face to face. 

"Can't choke me with your hands now, huh? Or should I say non-existent hands." 

Orochimaru glared at me with rage, "how dare you." 

I chuckled, "how dare I? But Orochimaru, didn't you know I dare against God? And you're not even close to them, so how could a mortal like you even dare to go against me." 

I left in a poof of smoke before I could even hear his response. All I needed was the stupid look on his face, and let me tell you. 

It was priceless. 

A/n Damn, y'all getting spoiled. Guess I feel so bad that I have you three chapters in 24 hours. Sheesh! Now you have no excuse but to forgive me. Enjoy~

I will survive (naruto fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ