Spread the Word

208 31 21

Ok, what is up with wattpad now?

I don't know if anyone else is getting this problem but I am.

I think it's a notification and so I press on it but then it just shows 'new follower'

I check the new follower and it's the same person who'd been following me + my follow count didn't go up.

I don't know if I'm going crazy or if Wattpad is.

Wattpad's not getting any better, I know this is supposed to be about the petition but it's true. It really is...

...anyway, about the petition (if I'm talking about it)

We've gotten 11,477 petition signatures


We're really only getting 300 signatures a day (the first few days were like 600) so we've been cut in half by our production.

If someone here can write an article, book, or video on any website. Do it.

Having more publicity will help us reach out to wattpad and see that this is a bigger matter than they actually think.

Sorry I can't really think that much today (I have big testing tomorrow and I got to get ready...even though you can't get ready for it)

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