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Ok, hi guys. Today has not been a good day for me.

One of our promotors has mysteriously was removed from wattpad.

Many might say that they left on their own because of what's happening, but they definitely did NOT leave on their own

They were pming me just yesterday of how many people are leaving and they don't want to, they were going to help out

But now their account is gone, Jeonffs205, is it (if any of you know them just comment if you know they left on purpose)

I don't know what happened so I can't blame wattpad...just yet. They were a good person to talk to and helped the petition a lot.

That's all I had to say about that

I've also been PM'd another idea, this idea is about the lady that has been posting about the petiton 

This is her: https://medium.com/@janesmithwrites

We need to talk about with her and contact her and have her help us (post more about the petition)

I'm also gonna say about spamming famous YouTubers (I just had a conversation about this in the earlier chapter)

Many are trying to get MrBeast, but we should also try to get many others (including the news)

That's all for now, Thor out.

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