Chapter Five

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"Oh my go- FUCKKKK!" We screamed in sync as we came in sync. Not wasting another minute I stumbled to the bathroom, leaving him covered in my juices. Without a care in the world I used the bathroom but then everything went black?

Carter POV
           1:25 pm

Finally opening my eyes the world's worst headache starts to settle in. Scanning around the room I noticed I wasn't home.    
Trying to remember the events that occurred last night I heard light snores coming from the bathroom. After stretching I slowly got up and made my way to investigate. Spotting white curled up by her toilet the images of last night flooded my head and I instantly got brick all over again. Damn she could rideee.

    I picked her up and placed her gently on her bed. Trying not to wake her but obviously failing at my attempt because she started moving and groaning. In an instant her eyes shot open

" AHHHH WHY ARE YOU HERE?" She shrieked covering her exposed body. Then her eyes fixate on my appearance

"AND WHY ARE YOU UNDRESSED?!" She jumps up and starts mumbling and pacing.

I sat on the edge of her bed and turned to the window, giving her privacy to get her mind together because this felt like a private matter.

"Ummm are you gonna answer me or put on some clothes maybe" she asked with a confused expression

"Oh yea, sure" I said throwing on my pants.
"You wanna get some food or something?"

Her head darts directly at me but her facial expression was unreadable.

What's with all the yelling? My head is killing me. "Soooo no?" I asked tilting my head

She rolled her eyes and stormed in the bathroom slamming the door. Dramatic.

    I don't know why she's so upset, I'm not her boss technically and I think she's an amazing woman. Gotta pat myself onna back! SHES BHADDD.. I put the rest of my clothes on boutta head out cause it's clear she needs space. So I walked to the bathroom door smirking hard as hell.

"White we don't have to make this awkward, we're adults who had one to many drinks. I'm kinda pissed tho, I don't remember how good you fe-"

"SHUT UPPP" she replied

Laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes. "Alright alright ima leave you alone, Have a good day white. See ya on Monday" and with that I made my exit but not without leaving her $600 on her kitchen counter. You know for food and shit.

Lianet POV

I'm such a dumb bitch, how did I let that happen. Hearing my door close I stepped out the bathroom and face planted into my bed. I cannot believe I fucked my boss, I can't tell anyone about this omg. I gotta call my mommmm.

"Maaaaaaaaaa" I said as soon as she picked up

"Wrong" he said


"Yea ya mom is downstairs, wassup"

"This is a mom situation, can you pass her the phone please" I said clearly irritated

"I'm sure I can help you girl, what's wrong drama queen" he said chuckling. First of all sir we're not even cool rn and second of all I'm not in the fucking mood.

"I had sex" his face dropped then held a puzzled expression

"Ahhhh ima get her princess, one sex I MEAN SEC" he said rambling and rushing to her. "It's the daughter" and then he ran upstairs.

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