Chapter Three

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~1 month later~
  April 18th
      |11:36 am|

"One more hourr, one more hourrrr" I sung lowly to myself typing away , I have the next 3 days off and I'm so ready to sleep! So far so good, I still haven't hung out with Gei. I've just been swamped with rebranding the company I haven't had any free ti-

*knock knock*


"Come in!"

"Hey I just wanted to stop by, check in on my favorite worker" he said easing into my office and walking over to my desk

I rolled my eyes at his foolish ass. Favorite my ass
    "Getting the budget organized, I'll have that on your desk in another 45 minutes or so. Thank you for the roses" I smiled tightly looking up at him not wanting to entertain

"No Thank you Li, I'm impressed with the changes you've made so far. Let me take you out to show my appreciation " He smirked.

" Thank you, I try my best boss but I'm gonna have to decline. Got a lot of paperwork to fill out this weekend" I replied turning back to my laptop.
    While laughing he says " alright ima get out ya hair then" running his fingers through my silk press "Enjoy your lil break Ms White."

He comes in here every other day tryna take me to lunch, dinner, little random food spots he finds and I decline every time. Yes he is fine as hell, I wouldn't mind puttin it on him buttt he's my boss sooo that's not the im only out here for 5 more months

|12:50 pm|

"I'm so ready to go girl" I said shutting down my laptop and gathering my stuff.

" I know that's riii, so what are plans for this weekend, I need some retail therapy in my life" she sighed heavily with her hands on her face . Giggling I respond "Gei you always need some damn retail therapy"

She's really been a cool person to have around, at work we were thick as thieves, she got me access to the company files and she holds it down whenever I'm late. Couldn't have asked for a better coworker.

"Net I'm serious, and this time I need you to come with me!" Doing her lil dancey dance around my office, I can't take this girl lol

"Okay fine I'll go, I am free tomorrow." I said putting on my cardigan. She tapped her finger on her nose for a sec "Tomorrow is perfect Netty boo, see ya then" she tapped my butt and went on her way.

Closing up my office and making sure I had everything. I walked to Carter office but his lights were off. That's suspicious

*knock knock*

"Come in" he said picking his head up

" hey, got ya papers. I'm boutta head out." I said practically pushing the papers in his hand

"Thank you, enjoy your time" and with that he put his head back down. .. that's it? No jokes no nun??
     "you good boss man? In here like a vampire at 1pm kinda crazy if you ask me "

He chuckles " Slight headache Li but I'm good. I think we're all due for some rest. Stop chit chatting and start your break girl, I'll see you Monday"

"Alrighttttt Feel better" I said walking out.

|Friday 2:00 pm|



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