•~Chapter 8~•

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Hello everyone! How are you? I don't really have anything to say, other than that I'm sorry this chapter is kind of short. Anyways, happy reading!- SweetAngel🤍


Thrill shot through Alastor as finger hesitantly poked at the wound on his stomach.

"Are you sure Alastor?" She asked, looking up at him doubtfully. Her complexion was pale and her hands were shaking.

"Yes darling I'm positive. Just simply dig out the bullet then we can stitch me up and I'll be good as new!" He slurred, fuzzy cheers played through his chest as his heart rate rapidly increased.


Heat coiled tightly in his abdomen, his skin buzzing with disgusting excitement. A small finger pushed into the wound, his muscles screaming and spasming around the digit.

She gagged, other hand slapping over her mouth as her eyes watered. She push on, moving her finger deeper into the hole, searching for the metal.

The blood was hot, thick and sticky. Bile burned her esophagus, the acid raised up and licked at the back of her tongue.

"I can't!" She choked, pulling her hand away from the man. Alastor stared at her half lidded, drinking in the beautiful sight as if he were a dying man.

Her s/c skin was drenched in his blood from the forearm and down and she looked scared.

Alastor stiffened, disgust with himself setting in. It sunk its razor sharp claws into his lungs, threatening to rip them out.

His red irises flicked down to himself. A laugh bubbled up in his aching chest, the irony of the situation finally dawning on him.

His grey skin and red suit were stained with blood as usual, but instead of it being another unfortunate demons it was his own.

How far will this women wined him around her finger?

"It's okay darling." He sighed smiling softly at her. A trembling hand ran through red and black hair, his ears twitching as it did. Slender fingers caught on a few knots, one tug and they were set free.

"W-what? She asked around a gag, big watery eyes staring up at him in confusion.

He chuckled, the sound so soft it was absurd to his own ears.

"I said it will be alright. Please, go check on dinner, I'll have Husker help me."

"But I-"


She stiffened, fluffy ears perking up as her trembling hands fisted themselves into her dress. Distress was dripping off of her usually concealed scent, Alastors nose twitched, engraving the sweet smell into his brain.

"Please, just listen to me. Go wrap up dinner, we will speak later. I promise."

She stared at him, working her jaw. Her gaze was searching, edging the beginning of sharp. Alastor implored himself to sit still, the odd tinge of nervousness plucked at his nerves rhythmically.

She deflated sighing, shoulders dropping.

"Okay," she uttered, standing up and examining her ruined dress. Spots of blotchy blood stained the soft fabric.

"I'll get Husker on my way down to the kitchen."

It took a moment for Alastors brain to process her statement. The gears sluggishly turned, sticky black tar jamming up their works as he searched for a response.

*•~Little doe~•* {Alastor x deer reader} Where stories live. Discover now