A Genuine Gift

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I landed in the City Council's building

"The master is here!!" The workers there, mostly idiotic nobles, were relieved to see me and came running over when they saw me.

"Master, please-" The one who tried to come onto me as soon as I landed had his mouth shut up by me with magic.

"Move," I was annoyed. These fools can't even maintain a single barrier. I already took half of their job to help them out and yet they fail at the only thing they are supposed to do.

I made my way to the magic device they were using and saw that the core was damaged. It wasn't getting the right amount of mana to maintain the barrier and so in the end it broke.

I grabbed it and threw it out. Then I placed my hand in the device that covered about the space of a single-seater couch.

An artificial core can only do so much, it should be changed every six months considering the amount of miasma.

Magic seeped out of my palm and I made a temporary mana ball. It's something rarely anyone can do, but it will work. I poured my magic in then, then took my hand out.

"I'll have my mages come and take turns with the barrier maintenance," I glared at the workers who followed me to the function room, "You have two days to get a new core, ONE that works perfectly,"

All of them nodded their heads in fear



I moved with Ahin

"The barrier is broken?" I said, "How?! It was working fine till yesterday!" He walked slowly with me, his sword in his hand and his eyes scouting the area constantly for danger. But gladly, the mages had done most of the work by now.

"Yea," He answered. His eyes not stopping even for a moment, "It was malfunctioning for a while now. We did receive a report but no one paid it much heed since the council thought if anything happened, the mage Master would take care of it."


A buzzing sound came from above, and all of us, including the people around us, looked up to see a light blue shield encircle the city and then disappear.

"The barrier got restored," Ahin said

"So, it seems," I replied, "I just hope Rika is okay." We looked at each other, "She's just a kid and in chaos, anything could happen."

I didn't mean to worry Ahin, but my words upset him. He didn't say anything about it, but I could see it on his face. He even stopped walking and I stopped with him.


I should have kept my mouth shut.

I wanted to say something to console him but right then we both heard someone.

"Brothaaaaa!!" Rika's voice made us both look in her direction with a relieved face. She was running towards us

Ahin's face relaxed and he let out a sigh of relief and in turn it made me calm down too. He started walking towards her but a few steps in and she had approached us. She opened her arms for Ahin and he picked her up and hugged her

"Thank God," He held tightly, "I thought I lost you."

I watched them with a soft smile.

"Me too," She hugged back her brother tightly, "I thought I was going to die."

Her words made Ahin's dread come back and he pulled her apart, "What?" He looked at her, "Were you attacked?"

"Yea," she nodded her head, her hands clutching his collar on either side for support, "There were so many wolves." The color drained from Ahin's face, "They all attacked me at once too."

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