Under attack

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My skin stood up

"Oh no!" I looked back at her, "Get to safety!" I said and she nodded.

The sky was ablaze with an otherworldly alarm, its piercing wail slicing through the air like a knife as panic spread like wildfire through the streets below. My heart pounded in my chest as I joined the frantic rush of people fleeing from the impending danger, my mind racing with fear and uncertainty.

Beside me, Maira ran with a desperation that mirrored my own, but soon enough she was far ahead of me since I couldn't run much to begin with.

Although other people joined me, they were simply running away as well, crossing me without any difficulty while my feet began to hurt as I tried to push myself into sprinting.

I navigated the chaotic streets, But even as I ran, a sense of foreboding settled in the pit of my stomach, warning me that the danger we faced was far greater than we could have ever imagined.

And then, as we rounded a corner, the full extent of the horror before us was revealed.

A lot of people stopped as we all realized why the siren was blaring.

"Oh God..." My pupils shook as I looked at the dreadful scene.

Animals corrupted by miasma surged through the streets like a tide of darkness, their eyes blazing with malevolent intent as they attacked everything in their path. Little kids, women, elderly, so many people were being clawed at and ripped apart. With a sickening lurch in my stomach, I realized that the city had miasma corruption running loose

I froze in terror as I watched the chaos unfold, my mind struggling to comprehend the nightmare that surrounded us. The corrupted creatures moved with an unnatural speed and agility, their movements twisted and contorted by the dark magic that coursed through their veins.

How the hell did this happen?

"Hey!" I heard a knight running towards us, "Keep running!" He yelled, "Get to safety and lock yourselves in!" His voice made many people start running again.

I was about to do the same, his voice was like a ray of hope after all but as he was running towards us, a big dire wolf attacked him, tackling him down.


The view made my heart drop


NO!! I stepped towards him, then stopped. Wait, what am I going to do? Can I even help him? I nodded to myself.

Yes, I can!

I frantically clasped my hands together in a praying position.


I felt something in me, but nothing came out


I felt the hot sensation move, but then it stopped


Nothing came out and I shot my eyes open to the realization that it was because I was out of mana


I looked at the knight in front of me struggling to push the miasma infused wolf from him

I wanted to help, but my feet wouldn't move. Without my power, that wasn't mine to begin with, I was nothing

I felt the dilemma. I felt powerless, and I felt like a fool. Even with the power which was especially for this kind of thing, I couldn't do anything. My eyes didn't leave the knight who was struggling, I saw his arm get bit, and the despair swallowed me more.

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