My desires

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The novel Hael gifted me was interesting. Well, in this boring ass world and my even more boring life, any form of entertainment would be interesting.

But, that aside, the novel's male lead had caught my eyes. He resembled Hael a little. He too had silvery hair, magical eyes, was tall and wasn't an empath. The female lead though, was nothing like me. She was the embodiment of a pure hearted heroine that starts getting on your nerves after constantly getting in trouble

I still kept reading though. I had nothing better to do anyway and I was still waiting for a reply from Serena.

I sent her a letter to invite her to go out shopping with me but she hasn't replied to me yet. I'm trying to be patient but if she doesn't respond to me, I'll have to go to her myself. I still have the knowledge of the future and how badly her brother is going to get addicted, so I know I can still convince her. I mentioned in my letter that I had something very important to tell her regarding her brother, expecting her to reply to me right away

But here I am... Bored out of my mind that I started reading the novel.

The story was pretty simple. The male lead was chosen to slay the demons threatening the empire and then he finds out humans are behind it too. The info gets him mad but he doesn't catch them and hand them over to the knights.

He kills them

He's like an anti-hero. I smirked. Sort of reminds me of Hael. Sort of, because Hael is a villain. Just like how I'm a villainess.

The story was pretty interesting after he starts killing the traitors and I flipped through the pages without realizing how time was flowing by. It wasn't until I arrived at 'that' part that I paused.

The Erotic chapter

I had no idea it would have such erotic scenes but when I reached the intimate lines, the book cover finally made sense to me!

OH! Shit! That rose being violated meant this!!

My heart quickened as I traced the lines that described the character's features – the chiseled jawline, the piercing gaze, the subtle hint of vulnerability hidden beneath a facade of confidence. It was as if the author had reached into the depths of my mind and brought Hael to life on the pages before me.

But it was when I reached the more... intimate passages of the novel that the resemblance became undeniable. As the words painted a picture of passion and longing, I felt a flush spread across my cheeks, my pulse quickening in response to the visceral imagery that unfolded before me.

I gulped, slumped backwards on the chair and crossed my legs.

As I kept reading, the lines between fiction and reality blurred, and I found myself lost in a fantasy that felt all too real. The image of Hael, his eyes smoldering with desire, filled my mind, igniting a fire within me that I had long thought extinguished.

My heartbeat kept rising, till the point it drummed in my ears, becoming something like background music as well.

With each word, each whispered confession of love and lust, I could feel the tension building, my breath coming in ragged gasps as the scene unfolded in my mind's eye. It was as if I had been transported to a world where anything was possible, where the boundaries of desire knew no limits. The erotic scenes were written with pure detail, the other hid nothing which helped create a vivid image and I am so sorry to myself but I did it.

I imagined Hael and myself. My face and my body grew hot and my cheeks and ear flushed red.

I crossed my legs tighter at the parts of pleasure and I felt a tingle of lust grow in my body.

And as the scene reached its climax, I closed my eyes, savoring the heady rush of arousal that coursed through me. In that moment, I was no longer bound by the constraints of reality – I was free to indulge in the fantasy that had taken root in my imagination, a fantasy that bore the unmistakable imprint of the man I had been obsessed with.

I bit my thumbnails as the main characters made love. The description had excited me as well and right where I was feeling hot, the door to my bedroom got knocked at.


It scared the shit out of me so much, I jumped, throwing the book across the room in shock. My eyes went wide and for a moment I forgot where I was.

"My Lady, it's me, Hael." He announced and then opened the door to walk in


I was verily not in the state to face him. But I had no time to run. So I just turned around, opened the window and walked out to the balcony.


What the hell is wrong with me??? What the actual hell is wrong with me???

"My Lady?" Hael arrived at the window and I grabbed the iron railing with all of my might.

"What?" I kept my face towards the open air, letting the fresh air calm me down.

I let out a sigh, feeling a knot tighten in my stomach as I tried not to but my mind still replayed the scenes in my mind. It was like I'd opened a door to a place I knew I shouldn't have.

"There's an interesting topic going around the mansion." Hael's voice was enticing, it made my heart skip a beat


And now I was left grappling with the consequences.

"What?" I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down.

The guilt gnawed at me, a nagging voice in the back of my head reminding me of the hurt I'd caused myself. But closing my eyes only did me worse, I went directly to where the echoes of the erotic scenes still lingered in my mind,

OH GOD!!! I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment in myself.

I pursed my lips, and opened my eyes.

Would it be wrong of me to have him just for one night? I turned around and glanced at him


"I heard you're getting engaged," His gaze was intense which made my heart skip a beat again. But then I focused on his words and that helped me calm down a little.

Right, the engagement is still there.

"I guess, I am," I let out a soft breath as I looked at the sky. My grip of the railing loosened a little bit as my body temperature came down and the flush subsided.

"You're not bothered?"

"Does that matter?"

"You really are someone else," He made the point again, "I thought you liked me,"



That's what I wanted to do. I wanted to put you in the past. I wanted you to be someone I 'liked'.

I took another deep breath and turned to look at Hael with a torn look on my face and a helpless look in my eyes.

What Hael doesn't know is that he was like a drug, intoxicating and addictive, and I found myself unable to break free from the hold he had on me.

I looked at him and my heart did that fluttering thing.

He looks beautiful under the moonlight but he looks absolutely stunning in the sunlight as well. I couldn't escape the pull of his presence even after I came back in time.

In the past he filled every corner of my mind and heart until there was no room for anything else.

My love, my obsession, my infatuation with you was so strong, I couldn't break free of it.

Especially not when you're right in front of me.

"I do," I replied but my voice came out shaky, "That hasn't changed." It was trembling because of the truth I had realized once again, "I want only you,"

It's funny,

My gaze dropped as I felt ashamed of myself.

Two lifetimes and I'm still attracted to the man who is going to kill me.

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