Chapter 34

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Standing in my home office, I stood at the window with hands in my pockets, staring out, thinking deeply.

After a long time, I surprisingly remembered a memory, the memory of the day my mother tried committing a suicide.

She was lying there on the floor, in her room, with blood flowing out her wrist and shards of glass shattered around her on the floor, piercing various places of her hands and calf.

I don't remember anything before and after I saw her lying lifelessly there and when she finally woke up after being rushed to the hospital, I broke out of the shock and couldn't stop the tears that spilled out continuously.

"The glass unexpectedly broke and pierced my hand."

That was the excuse she had given us and I believed it.

It wasn't until much later that I realized it wasn't an accident, but a suicide attempt.

It was the first and last time she had done that and I don't know what changed her mind to live on.

"She couldn't leave her kids behind. She loved all of you more than herself."

My aunt once said that after my mother's demise.

Why had she gone to such lengths?

It was a question I had to find an answer for myself.

My mother was sexually assaulted.

When I realized that, rage and agony shattered me completely from within and every reminder of my mother thereafter not only brought me peace but also despair.

Even now, despite knowing everything, neither my father nor any of the elders ever speak about the dark past of my mother directly. She didn't want us to know.

She has every right to decide who should know about her scars and who shouldn't.

That's the reason I myself never disclosed her secret to any of my siblings despite them asking me numerous times.

What about Raelynn then?

Does she not have the right to decide who she discloses her past to?

She does.

She has every right to be furious and disgusted at what I did.

But, I didn't have a choice either.

She was far from a regular businesswoman.

Scars on her back, calluses on her fists, meticulous skills in combat, the cold indifference in her eyes towards the bloodied corpses, the unflinching ferociousness while a bullet passed right past her neck and her reaction to Romero's name, everything about her was suspicious.

She was intriguing and admirable, but she was undoubtedly suspicious nevertheless.

I had to find out about her.

She had been by my side for a whole two days and when I caught a whiff of her potentially being targeted by my rivals, I had to step in and to do that I needed to know she's not a spy or a threat to me in any way.

I ordered Cavin to personally dig out every detail to make sure it won't be tampered with.

When I read through her file, I was astonished.

At a tender age of 16, she was thrown into the vile clutches of an underground brot*el, but three years later, she escaped that darkness and went ahead to achieve incomparable heights. She wasn't exactly a genius student, but she was evidently sharp, shrewd and hardworking and that's what made her successful in this corporate world.

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