Chapter 3

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Taking a seat, he looked up at me, his gray eyes swirling with an underlying mock directed at my amber ones.

Clearing my throat, I gave a curt nod and took my seat, the others following suit, a tense atmosphere enveloping everyone.

"Ms. Baker, the documents about the cost estimates and blueprint for the entire factory has been already sent to you.", one of their associates said, looking at me.

"Yes, we've reviewed it. We've also been granted Environmental Clearance and the mayor has signed the legal documents, conveying his consent. The factory is all set to be constructed legally.", I informed.

"The present blueprint of the factory is made according to the kind of heavy machinery you conveyed you'll be setting up. The ground conditions, the water supply and waste disposal methods need to be planned first before making the final blueprint. Once the site is thoroughly checked by our engineers, we'll proceed with the construction.", Mr. Marino said curtly, looking at me.

I nodded, approving.

"Also, there's a slight disharmony between the cost estimations and labor cost you've proposed and the budget we've set for this project.", I took the file from my financial team and handed it to them.

The meeting continued in all seriousness for almost about 2 hours.

Amidst all the discussions and negotiations, I've completely forgotten the tension between me and this petty gray-eyed man.

When the discussion was over and an agreement was reached, the meeting was finally announced complete.

Standing up, we faced each other yet again, to greet before professionally ending the meeting on a positive note.

The room went utterly silent and I could feel everyone's eyes glued to us, an air of tension yet again surfacing in the room.

I didn't want to be the first one to forward my hand.

He had the audacity to embarrass me in front of all these people, so he will have to be the first to forward his hand.

If he's petty, then so am I!

He looked me in the eye and I gladly returned the favor.

As seconds passed by, none of us giving in, I could see his eyes turning slightly dark, intimidating mine to submit.

When I saw his gray eyes trying to dominate mine, a very faint smirk graced my countenance, my eyes piercing his as hard as his trying to subdue mine.

I scoffed internally.

I will never again in my life ever bow my head before anyone. And definitely not in front of a man.


After a short moment, he finally chose to break the tense silence.

"I hope Ms. Baker's palm is not stained with tree dust or something of that sort.", he said, his deep voice lacing with subtle sarcasm, looking me in the eyes intensely.

"And I hope Mr. Marino's palm is free from coffee stains or something of that sort.", I said, my voice bold, sarcasm evident.

The tension successfully thickened.

"Sir", his secretary probed, her voice cautious.

"It's been a pleasure working with you, Ms. Baker.", he said stoically.

"Likewise, Mr. Marino.", I said neutrally.

Both of us forwarded our hands, not intending to drag it on any further.

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