Chapter 22

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Hey,  readers!

So, as per schedule, I should give the next update on Friday.

But, since the vote target is done and I had a little free time, I completed editing this chapter.

However, since I'm updating today, I'm not sure if there'll be any update on Friday or not. The next update might come directly on Monday.

Until then, enjoy reading!!!!!!!

-----NOTE ENDS----


"Ms. Baker, this sudden withdrawal of Marino Corp. from this project has made our brand take a sudden blow in the share price. Everything had been going well until recently. So, what has gone wrong that led to this situation?", George Cello, Milan's father and one of the most important investors of my brand, questioned sternly.

"The decision and the email came out too suddenly, Mr. Cello, we are still trying to negotiate with them over this.", I answered firmly.

I am now sitting in the boardroom with a couple of directors assembled today to discuss the current problem.

"Rumors have already started in the office that you might get sacked.", one of the directors commented rudely.

"So I've heard.", I accepted stoically.

"Those rumors might not be far from reality, Ms. Baker.", another director said, his tone a warning.

I stayed stoic, not letting any expression or reaction slip.

"I have worked from the day this brand was established, sir, I would like to be given some credit for three years of my dedication towards the growth of this brand from the scratch.", I said firmly, looking them in the eyes.

"The credit can be given, Ms. Baker, but we cannot risk the downfall of this company.", one of them replied.

"It is being said that the current situation has arisen due to something personal between you and Vincent Marino. We do not know what you have done to displease him, but we cannot let it cost our shares.", another one pointed out angrily.

"There's nothing personal between me and Mr. Marino, sir. I request you not to give an ear to such rumors.", I said sternly, giving him a pointed gaze.

Before anyone else could say anything, George cut them off.

"This is not the time to just ponder on why it has happened. We also need to work on how to resolve this. We have set our finances, schedules and plan for the construction of the new high scale factory. If it halts at this point, there'll be even bigger loss.", George contemplated.

"We need to find a new construction company to pick this project up.", I added, nodding.

"Who would accept to work with us when the best of the best had pulled out of it. No one would be willing to take a chance.", one of them argued.

"Not everyone will go by the rumors. We need to find someone who will accept our proposal. If we can, it will resolve the rumors about any false play and eventually bring up the stock price.", I explained.

"But who would accept it?", another one stressed.

"I request for some time to look into other firms and contact them.", I requested them earnestly.

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