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The whole family had stopped at a dhaba nearby to have their lunch.

They were all travelling for over three hours now and were tired from sitting in the car for so long.

No one was as eager as Leher to get down the car because of her situation with Abhi.

Leher jumped out of the car to escape Abhi and saw the other two cars parked beside them too.

"Bhabhi, get down," she knocked on Meera's window as she was still in the car. 

"Yes yes. I'm coming. Patience rakho," she got down the car with Prem already placing their order in the dhaba.

"Mein na aapke saath aungi," Leher  pouted and told her bhabhi.

"Kyu? Pati ka pyaar hazam nahi hora kya?" She smirked and hit Leher's shoulder as a tease.

"Kuuch bhi," rolling her eyes to the back of her head, she dragged Meera to an isolated table in the corner.

"I have so much to tell you," Meera made herself comfortable on the chair as she was curious about what Leher was going to tell her.

"Bhabhi...wo..how did Bhai convince you?" Leher immediately shut her eyes after asking the question because of the nervousness.

"Well, for starters, he kissed me really well," she smirked earning a cringe from Leher.

"Chee bhabhi. I don't wanna know that," she kept a disgusted expression and continued.

"I wanna know what convinced you to come back home," Leher asked her seriously earning the same from Meera.

"That's a tricky question to ask," she started thinking of ways to answer her sister-in-law's question while Leher was eagerly waiting for a reply.

"You know, when I left the house I was pretty sure that your bhai will not try to contact me and all but I still had that hope in me," she finally started answering.

"Your bhai had this cold facade on him but that's not the real him. I lost hope in us a month after him not trying to do anything to get me back but one day he came a promised to win me back," a small smile was evident on her lips.

"I thought I'd put in hopes in a marriage of three years for nothing but your brother did not disappoint me," she chuckled remembering how he tried to persuade her.

"The time when I gave him two weeks time to win me back, the same day he had travelled for 3 hours from my house in Kolkata to get me my favourite hydrangea bouquet. I cannot say I was on top of the world but I was impressed,"

"A man who cannot wait even a second for his things to get done, travelled for hours to get his wife a bouquet of flowers she loves," she blushed a little at that thought while Leher jumped in happiness for her.

"Then for six days straight he slept in his car because I didn't let him enter the house until and unless it was something important," a feeling of guilt rushed through her mind while reminiscing the past.

"He sent me letters everyday to my room with the help of my mom and all those letters showed me nothing but love," Meera fished out her phone from her pocket wanting to show Leher a picture of a letter Prem wrote.

"Don't tell your bhai that I showed this to you, okay?" A secretive whisper left Meera's mouth while Leher nodded positively.

"Dear biwi,
Today is D-6 and I'm still very hopeful of getting you back. I saw that you were checking on me through your room window and that's very cute of you. Don't get too worried about me, I'm fine with suffering like this if it means you'll come back to me again. I've tried to pour all the emotions out in these letters as you are a not ready to meet me until and unless you are out of the house.
I'll tell you about the first time I knew I had hard feelings for you. It was the day after your father had made that deal with me. I saw your pearly white smile and rosy lips that called out my name ever so softly. Your hazel brown eyes that invite me to fall into them and the silky black hair that you carry so effortlessly.
I love how my name leaves your mouth in a way no one can imitate. I love how you always put your hand in my hair and massage it before sleeping. I love how you are you and how you know your value.
Us din se aaj tak, mera dil sirf aapko chahtha hein.
Hume apse pyaar hothe jaa raha hein, Meera ji.
Ek bar humse miliye tho, biwi.
From your loving husband,
Your Premji."

Meera's eyes glistened with tears as she once again read the letter along with Leher.

"I'm so happy for you bhabhi," Leher tightly hugged Meera while crying out of happiness.

Leher let go of Meera and smiled slightly.

"I'm happy that you're back with us, bhabhi. I really am," she sincerely told her. Meera nodded her head as an agreement and chuckled.

"So this is how bhai won you over again," she teased her earning a slap on the forehead from Meera.

"That's not the point right now. Abhi aur tumhara kya haal hein?" Meera asked as sadness washed over her face while Leher looked down at her feet.

"Bhabhi, three months is all he has. And if he doesn't want 'us' then he'll sign the divorce papers," Leher's voice cracks a little while trying to push her tears away.

"Leher, I'm not saying that you should not give up on the concept of 'Leher and Abhi' but just give that man three months. I know three months can't bring much change but as his bhabhi, I know he does what he says. If he says he'll win you back then he will." Meera tried to encourage Leher while she was still contemplating of what to do.

"And worst case scenario, he doesn't convince you then, leave him and I'll stand by your side no matter what, hmm?" These words told Leher that this family has got her back no matter what and she was pretty sure about it.

"Uhm! Uhm!" A loud cough from someone brought them back to reality.

It was Prem waiting for his wife to join him for lunch.

"Care to lend me my wife? She needs to have lunch. And you too," he pointed at Leher and reminded her of their purpose for stopping at a dhabha. 

"Coming, pati dev," Meera let out a loud sigh and got up from the chair.

Leher stood up too and walked towards Prem.

She opened her arms and hugged the 6'3 giant and rubbed his back while Prem was startled because of her sudden affection.

"You're the cutest, bhai. I'm proud of you," she said out loud and let him go to join the family for lunch.

"Ab ise kya hogaya?" Prem questioned with pure confusion written on his face while Meera controlled her laugh.

"Pata nahi. Don't ask me," a loud laugh escaped Meera's throat.

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