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One week. It's been one week since that incident happened and we've not spoken yet. He hasn't come home since that day and when people are asking me about his whereabouts, I'm clueless. His own wife doesn't know about his whereabouts. I'm trying to solve it but nothing is happening. I'm trying my best but the best apparently cannot get me to help Abhi.


It has been one week since my love's 4th death anniversary. The day she left me forever. The day she broke her promise of staying by my side. The day my heart and soul left my body.

I was trapped completely in a dark space. A dark room where there is no escape. Where there is no light, no love, no care. A room where Aakriti, my love is not there.

The darkness has consumed me a little by little over the years. No matter how much I try to escape, it leads to another dark place. Every year it feels like I'm forgetting who Aakriti is. How she smells, how she laughs, how she talks, how she cries. I loved her with my whole heart. With my whole soul. I loved her with my everything and she left the world with it.

Every year I'm stuck here. In this dark room filled with our memories. This is the apartment that us friends used to spend time in. Aakriti and I loved and laughed here. Cried and got hurt here. I expected everything but her death.

I curled myself into the bed and cried my heart out as the memories flashed back to me. All the good and bad memories came back. I miss her laugh, her smile, her voice, her love, her joy, her everything. No one can replace her. No one can love me the way she did.

I tears poured down my face like a river that didn't want to stop it's flow. I screamed her name out loud, hoping that she'd come and hug me and comfort me, but she didn't. Because she left me all alone in this dark world. In the world where she was my only hope, light and what not. She was my everything.

"Please come back, love" that's what I kept saying while letting out the loudest sobs. I could hear my breathing get heavier and my mouth trying to take in as much air as possible. Suddenly my breath stopped making my eyes close.


After two hours or so, I gained consciousness. Feeling more empty after the breakdown, I turned on the dim lights of the room and got into deep thinking.

It has been a week since I went home and the last time I went, I had a huge fight with Leher. She lost a friend too but I never saw that pain in her. But I know somewhere that she was being strong and controlling herself for me to not feel weak.

Whenever I talk to her it leads to a fight. It's like god doesn't want us to stay together, neither do I. We were better off as a boss and secretary, and as good friends.

The Jha family and our family had always been good friends. With my dad and mom being fond of Leher like their own, they asked if she wanted to be my secretary which was no surprise to me. Before that we used to talk to each other. Not a lot but occasionally and those conversations would last for hours. She had always been a good friend for me and when Aakriti died, she tried helping me a lot but I kept pushing her away from me.

I didn't want to look at any other woman after Aakriti but my parents wanted me to move on but they didn't help me the right way. Instead they got me married to Leher and surprisingly she said yes to this arrangement. I didn't want to go against it as no matter what happens, Leher won't get any love from me as a man so things won't change between us.

Even if Leher expects love from me, I can't give it to her. My love and heart and soul left this world the day Aakriti left too. Even though I tried giving our relationship a try it just feels wrong. It's like I'm betraying Aakriti from here. She's always been my number one and always will be. She was my soul. I had found the one after staying in this world for 20 years and she treated me the way no one could. My whole family loved her like their own but I guess she didn't consider us as her own. She decided to just...disappear. Vanished like she never existed. Vanished like she never meant anything to anyone.

She was the home for her brother, was the light to my life. She was the only person I needed after all.

I just hope that the day I meet her comes soon. Sooner than I hope. I love her with my everything but my everything is not in this world...life really hates me.


What do you think will happen to Leher?
What will happen to Abhi next?
Will they be okay?


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