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I drove to Leher's parents' house as fast as possible. 180 kmph to be specific. I don't know what got into me but all I wanted was Leher to come back home. That's all that mattered to me at that point of time. All sought of questions popped up in my head. "What if she found someone else?" ,  "What if she is suffering more than I could see?" , "What if she won't ever come back?". All of this might or might not be true but I want them to be true. She deserves so much better than me. Her husband is hung up on someone who is not even in his life anymore. Though that someone mattered a lot to me, I am Leher's husband.

She doesn't deserve all of this. She doesn't deserve a husband like me, she doesn't deserve a treatment like this, she doesn't deserve a loveless marriage nor does she deserve a soulless husband like me. The fact that she still had hope in us is what surprised me. I want that kind of hope on life. I want her in my life, but how?  She left me already.

While I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize I was already in front of Leher's house. I opened the door in a rush and slammed it back. I ran to the main door as fast as possible only to see the most heartbreaking scene in front of my eyes.

"Sign them." Leher's dad said in the coldest tone as he threw some documents on the table in front of Leher. "Baba, what are these? Don't tell me they are your business docu-" "they are divorce papers." I couldn't see Leher's face as her back was facing me but I guess this is what she wanted. "I want them signed by the end of the month. Twenty days from now. Got it?" He said while Leher just nodded.What? He's joking, right? This cannot be right. No, no. Divorce? No. Leher and I divorcing? Am I hearing everthing right?

I stumbled back a little  because of the shock but managed to stand without any support. Without making a noise, I left the Jha Mansion without entering the house. I left for good. I left with something in me broken. Was it my heart or my pride? I started the car and went straight home. I wanted to get my thoughts together. It is a goddamn divorce we're talking about.

The first divorce in the Mukherjee family would be mine. The great Abhinav Mukherjee once again fucked up his life. My whole marriage is going into the drain. But did it really matter as long as Leher was okay? She wanted a divorce and she will get one then. If that's what will keep her happy, then I'll do it. This is the least I can do for her. She was perfect for me but I was never right for her, right?

But, she was perfect in all aspects. She was the perfect daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, friend, sister, and lastly the best wife anyone could ask for. I guess the media was right when they said "does a heartless man need the happiest girl in the world in his life?". Everyone, from the media to our relatives questioned our marriage but Leher never backed down. She tried her best to make me feel okay. She tried her best to get the old me back but, I guess in that process she lost herself. I killed the happy girl in her. I killed every single hope in her.

I locked myself in my room that once used to be 'our room'. Now it will just be an empty space. I sat on the bed and tried to calm myself down but it wasn't happening. I will soon be alone. I will be all by myself. It's going to be hard but I guess that is what Leher wants. She needs to live her own life rather than being stuck with me. She needs to free herself from a man like me. I want to be better for us but I guess it's too late now.

But, do I have the right to give up on us? Do I the right to be disappointed that she gave up on us?


While being lost in his own thoughts and over-thinking too much, he drifted into deep slumber without knowing.


As I was going to leave my parents' place to go home, I was sat down by dad on the sofa in our front hall. "Baba, what-" "I want you to answer something." My dad said, interrupting me. I nodded my head as an approval while he proceeded. "I'll give you some documents, you need to sign them, okay?" He ordered me but I was not convinced of course. They might be my dad's old business documents that are on my name. Does he want me to sell it? "Baba, if it's-" "No, don't talk. I'll get the documents." He said while stepping backwards to go to his room. I overthinking way too much when my dad came back.

"Sign them." Baba said in the most serious manner which scared me. He threw some documents on the table in front of me and stared at them coldly. "Baba, what are these? Don't tell me they are your business docu-" "they are divorce papers." Divorce? Divorce for me? Divorce between Abhi and Leher? Divorce between Abhi and I? Why would I divorce Abhi? Why would I divorce the man who is already on the verge of giving up his life? Why would I divorce the love of my life? Before I could even process what was happening, my dad spoke "I want them signed by the end of the month. Twenty days from now. Got it?" He said while salty tears formed in my eyes. Why is this happening to me? Why does this always happen to me?

The tears flowed from my eyes like a river that does not stop flowing. Not knowing what to do, I just nodded my head. I nodded my head and left to go my room. I can't go home in this position, everyone would get worried. While thinking a lot about it, after a good ten minutes I went out to go home. I got down the stairs and went to my parents to bid them goodbye. "Think about it, Leher. It's for own good." My dad said while patting my back.

"I thought about it baba and I am not going to divorce him." I said while taking a deep shaky breath. "But Leh-" I cut him off before he could continue, "Baba, I know about the things between us. I know I'm suffering too but...but it feels right, baba. I want to stick by my husband's side. I want to be there for him. I want to change him and I want to make him better. I know in the process he hurt me a lot but you know how many times he indirectly cared for me? He did do bad things and I'm not supporting him, I'm trying to understand his point of view. I want to understand him in every way and help him with love and care. I want to be there for hi. I know I will. I'm pretty confident about it. And you know that if anything goes wrong, I'll tell you first, right?" I tried to explain my love for Abhi to my father. "Hmm...give it a thought. We'll be there for you no matter what, ok?" My dad said concerned. "I know what's the best for us, baba. Trust me." I said and bid them a goodbye.

This is going to be tough. I need to tell Abhi about this. He needs to know, right? I'll tell him once he comes back home from the trip. I drove home as fast as possible to help maa make dinner. I ran up to our room to change but saw that the room door slightly open. It must be Jharna, I thought. I open the door fully only to see a distressed Abhi on the bed. What is he doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be here after 3 days?  "Abhi-" and before I could complete my words, he left the room. Why did he come back early? Why is he behaving like this?

What do you think will happen to them? Will they get divorced or stay together for the tough times?
Thank you everyone for staying even though I didn't update for months. I'm really sorry and I promise to update as much as possible. Thank you once again<3

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