Chapter 10: Ritual

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Cassiopeia can only gape at her brother, while he leans back in his seat: "Believe me, it's a lot to swallow for me too, but it could be worse, right?" The something seems to click in him, because he straightens up suddenly: "Wait...Did you say Kol?! As in Kol Mikaelson?!" 

Said vampire smirks: "The one and only." Cassiopeia can only nod at her brother, still trying to wrap her head around the new information: "So we-" "No. Hold up! THE Kol Mikaelson?! The psychopath?! You can't be his soulmate!" 

The smirk slips from the vampire's face, rage taking over: "I would love to see you try and get me away from her, little human. I would rip you to shred before you could even get close enough. She's mine. Now and forever. I don't necessarily care for your opinion." 

The younger one of the siblings sighs heavily: "I didn't want to believe it at first too. But there's nothing much I can do now. You know what will happen, should I run. And please! Rebekah Mikaelson?! As if that's any better!" 

James has sunken into his seat with a look of absolute despair: "Why does it have to be our children?! Haven't they gone through enough already?!" Sirius is staring at the screen with a blank look, while repeatedly murmuring: "My children are the soulmates of two Original..." Lily has just started crying, her head buried in her arms. 

People look at them in pity. They wouldn't know what they would feel like if they found out their future children were destined to be with the most dangerous and ancient family of vampires in existence.  

On one side, their children would be safe from the world, because no one without a death wish, would dare to go near the soulmates of the Mikaelson family. On the other hand, who would protect these children from the Mikaelson family. 

Both of the Black children sigh. The Cassie interrupts the silence: "Let's talk about this tomorrow. Or some other time. I need to let all this information settle first. We have other things to think about at the moment. We finally have the two things that we need." Her brother nods: "Okay. But we will have to talk about this at some point." 

Kol relaxes in his seat again, even though there's still that predatory glint in his eyes that sends shivers down Cassiopeia's spine. Going back to reading their books, the girl is once again interrupted when the brown-haired vampire speaks: "You know that I won't let you get away, right? You're my soulmate, mine." "I know," is all the now fourteen year old answers. 

The camera swiftly flies out the window of the train and turns in a dramatic circle, showing the train drive away, before the camera dives into the lake beneath, coming out in the living room of the Black house. 

Cassiopeia comes into the room, the red jewel and a locket in either hand. The youngest Mikaelson's man is following her, confusion coating his features. The red-head stops at the end of the couch, looking down at her older brother. Lazily, the oldest looks up: "Ready?" A nod is all he gets for an answer. 

The two move down the corridor, shrinking their grandmothers portrait and taking it with them. Then, with one last look around the house, the two teens disappear. 

Confusion fills the Hall, but no one says anything, even when questions upon questions fill their heads. What were the siblings up to? Why were they leaving? And what did they need a locket and the Philosophers stone for?  Everyone is at the edge of their seats, desperate to get answers to all of their questions. 

A huge manor is shown, standing in the middle of nowhere. 


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