Chapter 9: You're WHAT?!

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Cassiopeia is laying in her bed, the Original sitting beside her, back against the headboard. Slowly Cassie stretches, feeling her back pop with the motion. Corvus, who's laying in the bed opposite hers, sits up: "Finally third year is over." A sigh from the girl: "Took long enough. I can't believe Harry was stupid enough to try and fight Voldemort on his own.."

Corvus laughs: "Of course, he was. Don't pretend you didn't see this happening. He's a Gryffindor after all. Most of them are way to impulsive and way too confident, always running into things head-first without a back up plan." 

Offended "Hey's!" sound from the students in red and gold. But Sirius shrugs: "He's not wrong." A disbelieving look from his best mates forces him to explain himself: "I mean, we may be proud and brave, but we do tend to be a little over-confident and to not really think before we act." Grumbles are his answer. They may not be happy with it, but all of them agreed.

The red-head sits up in her bed too and throws her feet over the bedside: "Let's get packing then. I want to go home." Both of them begin to pack their bags, still in their PJs. Only one is aware of the third person in the room though. Kol watches them move around the room from his soulmate's bed: "So. Where exactly is home?" He gets ignored. It's not like his soulmate can talk to him without seeming crazy to her brother. Or would she? 

The two of them board their train home two hours later. Sitting down in the compartment they always sit in. Half an hour into the train ride, they get interrupted by their brother. Harry opens the compartment door rather aggressively and stands in the door with a glare. 

Corvus and Cassiopeia share a glance, before the older of the two looks at the youngest: "Can we help you, Potter?" The boy points a finger at his sister: "You're going to the Dursley's and I will go home with our brother." Cassie raises her eyebrow: "And why, pray tell, would I do that?" "Because it would be unfair if you didn't! I have to be tortured by them every day while you get to spend time with our brother! You should go to them this time!" The boy has gone red in the face from rage, but neither of his siblings looks bothered. 

Lily sighs in disappointment and looks at her present son, who has shrunk into his seat: "Harry. This is not how this works. I'm sorry that Petunia hurt you and I promise you that I would sooner kill her than let this happen to you, but Cassiopeia asked you if you wanted to leave and you denied. You can't force her to go back just because you know better now." Her son sinks his head: "I'm sorry, mom." 

James looks at the exchange, both disappointed in his son and delighted by the fact that he would have a child, no, two children with the girl he has loved for years now. Even though he loves his son, he decides to join his future wife: "We don't want you to apologize to us, Harry. We want you to learn. Be better. That's all we're asking." 

Kol plops down in the seat next to her: "Who's the brat?" But he gets ignored again. Cold eyes look the younger boy up and down: "Look, Potter. I gave you a chance back then. I gave you another chance when you came to Hogwarts. I won't give you a third chance. I won't go back to those people. There was a reason I ran away. Please, leave now." Harry turns to their brother now, eyes big and hopeful: "I'm your brother. You're going to be on my side, right?" A scoff is his reply. 

Angry, he leaves their compartment. Kol waits until the door is closed, even though no one other than Cassiopeia can hear her: "So...That brat was your brother. You don't have a very good relationship, do you?" He gets the desired reaction. Finally, Cassiopeia answers him: "No. No, we don't have a good relationship. I gave him two chances to come with me, to come to the right side. He refused both times, so now he gets to suffer. I don't care anymore." There's sadness in her eyes, as she stares at the closed door. 

Harry hangs his head. He now understands, that his behavior hurt his sister greatly and if he could, he would turn back time and be nicer to her.  He only got to experience her love, after they made up, but she died not even two weeks later. He misses her so much. Sometimes he sleeps in her bed at Grimmauld place, because it still smelled like her. He had done a preservation spell on her bed sheets, they would smell like her forever. It comforted him, when he had nightmares or just missed the sister he only had for two weeks. 

Her staring is interrupted by the awkward cleaning of her brother's throat: "Sister, I know that he hurt you a lot, but I'm rather concerned for your mental health when you talk to yourself like that." They stare at each other for a moment, before her shoulders fall and she explains everything to him. 

His eyes get wider and wider the more she talks, until they are fully blown and his jaw is hanging on the floor. A moment of silence, then he talks: "I'm the soulmate of Rebekah Mikaelson. She's been following me around since my 14th birthday too." 

"You're WHAT?!" 

"He's WHAT?!"

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