Chapter 8: Not a Pedophile

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Slowly Cassiopeia's eyes blink open. Her ceiling is the first thing that greets her, then there's a hum at her side: "Little witch has finally woken up." The young witch can't help but groan aloud at the voice: "I hoped it was a dream." The grinning face of Kol Mikaelson appears above her: "Nope. You have the pleasure of being stuck with me for good now." 

James groans too at the words of the Original: "I can't believe this is happening. My daughter is the soulmate of an Original." Lilly wholeheartedly agrees with him. They would have to get used to this. 

Before Cassiopeia can reply, the door to the dorm room opens and her brother walks in: "You look a little pale, are you alright?" Fascinated, Cassiopeia watches the vampire in the room tense up and raise to his full height: "Who's this, little witch?"

Before Cassiopeia can reply, the door to the dorm room opens and her brother walks in: "You look a little pale, are you alright?" Fascinated, Cassiopeia watches the vampire in the room tense up and raise to his full height: "Who's this, little wit...

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Not wanting to seem crazy to her brother, the girl decides to answer that question as passively as she possibly can. Her eyes lock with Corvus mismatched one's: "I'm alright, brother. I just decided to take a nap, you know how I always feel worse after them."

Just as she predicted, her brother shakes his head in mock disappointment: "I don't know why you do that, when you know that you will only be more tired when you wake up. Really, sometimes I question you're intelligence." The vampire next to her has significantly calmed down, even though there's still a little tenseness in his shoulders. He doesn't stop hovering right behind her either. 

One of the girls in Hufflepuff swoons dramatically, a bright blush on her face: "He's protective! It's like he's straight out of a book."  The other readers are too flustered to speak. If this happened to them, they would panic and try to run, but if they aren't involved themselves, they are fine. 

Corvus grabs his notebook from his bed and makes for the door again: "I'm going to the library, but it's better that you stay here and rest. See you later." And with that he's gone, leaving the two soulmates alone again. 

Kol takes that first moment of silence to sit down infront of the teenager, then he begins talking again: "I will have to set some things straight. Yes, you are my soulmate. But you're only a young teenager and I'm not into that kind of thing. Now, as you can never get close to my actual age, we'll wait until you're of age. Which would be what in your world?" For a second, the witch can just stare at him, still processing everything, but she pushes her feelings aside. This conversation was rather important, no matter how much she wishes she could have a moment to process everything. So she answers the older man: "In the wizarding world one is considered off age when they turn 16." 

The brown haired man leans back in his seat, all tenseness gone like it was never there in the first place: "16 is still a little too young for my taste. Alright then. Let's plan it like this. This will be purely platonic until you're 16. We'll plan anew then. I really hate making plans, but this called for it." 

Lilly gives a sigh of relief: "At least he isn't a pedophile. That would have been devastating."  The red-head still wasn't too happy about this and more worried than she has ever been in her life, but her daughter would be safe with him and he wouldn't hurt her, unless she would try to run. It gave the mother somewhat of a piece of mind. 

James can't help but be a little relieved as well. He would prefer it, if the Original would leave his daughter alone completely, but this would have to do. And he also couldn't ignore the fact - and believe him, he tried - that Cassiopeia would be the safest girl on earth. Yes, Kol Mikaelson had a lot of enemies, but not one of them would be stupid enough to go after the psychopaths soulmate. She would be the only person keeping his humanity in check, kill her and no one would be able to tell what the Original would do, just that it would hurt...a lot. A soulmate was the tether to their humanity after all. 

Sirius refuses to be relieved at the news. Not like this. His daughter - it was still weird to say and think this - would be the soulmate of the most psychopathic and oldest vampire in the world. The fact he wasn't a pedophile didn't make up for that. It was a small mercy in the big scheme of things.

Regulus is, unknowingly, thinking the exact same thing as his older brother. Cassiopeia would be safe, yes, being the soulmate of the most unpredictable Original would ensure that. But she wouldn't be safe from said Original. He would turn her and he wouldn't let her leave him. She would be caged for the rest of her life. 

The other girls are still swooning. Red in the face and some of them are even panting a little. None of them could believe that they would get to see this play out, maybe even see it in real life one day. One of them leans across the back of the seats: "Imagine him seeing her scars and asking "Who did this to you?!" That would be so hot." They all quiet their squeals in pillows, looking at the man on the screen every once in a while. 

Dumbledore, meanwhile, was taking mental notes. The girl didn't seem to like him, but she would be playing an important role in his plan now. He could use an Original on his side. What should he do? Kill the Potters and take the girl, raising her as his own, while giving the Potter boy away to the Dursley's? That sounded like a good enough plan. He would come up with something better. Time was on his side and no one could really fault him for anything yet. As longs as these damn movies wouldn't reveal anything more, everything would go his way. 

The unknown daughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora