✯ 56 ✯ Journey to Doom

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

The day of the ride to camp arrived and I couldn't help but be extremely nervous. I'd packed everything I could think that I'd need. Though I struggled to find some of my things. Why did things just keep disappearing? Anyway, I had packed extra medical supplies since that just made sense to me.

"Now that you've finished up your first semester at UA High, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin. However, don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes in the making, at this camp we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become Plus Ultra," Mr. Aizawa said.

"Yes sir!" we replied.

"I'm so psyched, I've been looking forward to this camp all semester (Y/N)," Ochaco cheered.

"Yeah, I'm very excited," I smiled.

Ochaco seemed to pause for a moment before her face flushed and she ran back. She began a cheer, which Denki and Mina quickly joined.

"I heard some of Class A is taking extra courses, does that mean they actually failed the final exams?! That must be so embarrassing, especially since you're supposed to be so much better than my class! All of you must be wallowing in shame!" Monoma yelled.

Immediately Kendo hit him over the head, knocking him out, and I chuckled.

"Don't mind him," Kendo waved.

"Monoma's scary," Yanagi muttered.

I walked over and smiled at Class B.

"Hey guys, how has everyone's summers been so far?" I asked.

"We've been alright. We all went to the beach to spend some time as a class," Kiabara replied.

"That must've been fun," I smiled.

"It was! We wanted to invite you, but didn't want to intrude on your time," Kodai muttered.

"Oh that's sweet! But I wouldn't have wanted to intrude on your class time together, we don't really get those often as UA students," I smiled.

"Nah, we would've loved to have you there! You help keep Monoma under control," Tokage laughed.

"I doubt that," I chuckled.

"You have an air of calmness and peace that you give others. It would have been a blessing to have you there," Shiozaki bowed her head.

Since summer started I'd managed to spend some time with Class B. They were all very kind, save for when Monoma was boating, and I was sad they didn't get more screen time.

"How's your shoulder?" Shoda asked.

I raised my right arm, flexing, as I rested my left hand on my shoulder.

"All healed and ready for the hellish training our sensei is going to put us through," I smiled.

"Hell-ish?" Tsunotori asked, she seemed confused at the word.

I quickly explained what it meant in English and her eyes lit up in understanding.

"What do you mean by hellish training?" Bondo asked.

"Well Mr. Aizawa is very...ah harsh. Our first day instead of going to orientation he had us do a quirk assessment test. Even threatened to expel the student who did the worst," I smiled.

"What?!" the class cried.

"It's time to get on the bus!" Kendo called.

"Okay!" Class B replied.

"I'll see you all when we get there. Have a nice trip," I bowed.

"Thank you for wishing us well. I hope the gods bless your journey too," Shiozaki bowed.

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