✯ 30 ✯ Welcome Back To Class

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

After giving it a ton of thought I realized that warning Iida's brother directly would be too risky and draw attention to my strange knowledge. So I bought a throwaway phone.

The next step was to get Iida's brother's phone number.


Easier said than done.

The third step was to get my mother to work near Hosu at the time of the Sports Festival. Strangely it shouldn't be too difficult if I point out how many hero injuries are already happening in the area.

There was one way to do this without drawing too much attention. Putting my number in Iida's phone and memorizing his brother's number.

I'm already exhausted.

Not to mention the fact I had to travel to UA early to meet with Recovery Girl. As I got to school and walked through the quiet and empty halls I thought about what would be the best way to convince my mother to go to Hosu.

"(L/N)" a voice called.

I turned my head to see Mr. Aizawa and I have to admit he looked far more tired than usual. He looked absolutely exhausted.

Oh in another time and another place.

Pushing my thoughts aside I smiled and bowed politely.

"Sensei, good morning," I greeted.

Before standing up completely I felt a hand on my head, and for a moment it terrified me. My whole body felt as if it was being pricked by ten-thousand needles. I flinched away and Mr. Aizawa looked at me confused.

"Kid?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Sorry, I got a chill all of a sudden," I chuckled.

As quickly as that feeling appeared it disappeared the moment I saw Mr. Aizawa. It was strange. Mr. Aizawa hummed in understanding before walking ahead past me, down the hall I was heading down before being stopped.

"Sir?" I asked.

"Hurry up, you have a visit with Recovery Girl," Mr. Aizawa said.

"Right!" I replied.

I hurried to Mr. Aizawa's side and we walked in silence. It was comfortable and being near him made me more relaxed.

I don't know how since usually he would make my heart pound...ahem, okay I'll calm down.

Maybe it was because I know that despite his standoffish behavior I knew he cared for his students, that he'd do anything to keep them safe. I suppose knowing I was now one of those students, one of his problem children, that he'd do anything in his power to keep me safe put me at ease.

So why was that head pat different from every other one?

Why was I afraid?

Why was everything in me telling me to scream for help and run?

"(L/N)," Mr. Aizawa called firmly.

"Hm?" I asked.

"Are you sure you're alright? I'm sure Principal Nezu would allow you to take another couple days off," he said.

"No, I'm fine. I need to start training for the Sports Festival. I can't let anyone get ahead of me," I smiled.

Mr. Aizawa sighed before looking forward. Despite the disappointed sigh I could see a small smile on his face.

"Mr. Aizawa, how did you do in the Sports Festival in your first year?" I asked.

"Now that would be unfair for me to tell you and not the others," Mr. Aizawa replied.

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