✯ 6 ✯ Time And Time Again

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

Thirteen years old.

Apparently that year would be a very active year.

I'd been meeting minor heroes throughout my life. Whether from my mother's work or my father's connections. I'd been getting autographs from people I thought were personally cool such as Death Arms, Crust, Ectoplasm, and other such heroes.

However none of those interactions meant as much as the one that happened next.

I was visiting Sekoto Peak.

Something I ended up doing more often than I originally thought I would. I often leave a small group of flowers or just sit and relax. Today I was relaxing.

I had been leaning against a tree with my eyes closed when a large gust of wind hit me. I opened my eyes and looked up. In front of me was a younger Hawks.

Hawks is a man of average height with a slim and narrow build. Though he is missing a bit of the muscle he'll have when he's older. He has feathery ash blonde hair swept messily backward with some of the front tufts sticking up in arcs above his head and notably thick eyelashes. Unlike the anime, he's missing the stubble of hair on his chin from the age difference. In the show he's about twenty, so he'd be about eighteen now meaning he's just starting his hero career.

"Hawks," I muttered.

The fresh hero turned with a shocked and suspicious look. He then smirked as I stood up.

"And who are you?" Hawks asked.

"I'm (S/N), (Y/N). I'm a huge fan of yours," I smiled.

"A fan? And pray tell, what did I do to gain such a cute fan?" he asked.

'Okay...I have no clue how to respond to this,' I thought.

"Um...well...I've seen you before and I think you've got great potential. I wouldn't be surprised if you rise the ranks very quickly," I smiled.

"Great potential? Tell me more," Hawks said, his wings puffing up a bit.

I couldn't help but laugh at how much his wings gave away. Hawks raised a brow as I laughed.

"What made you laugh?" Hawks asked.

"Y-your wings. They puffed up in pride, it's so...cute," I laughed.

Hawks' eyes widened as he looked back to his wings. He shook his wings a bit as they reverted back to normal.

"In all honesty, Hawks, I think you'll be in the top five sooner than you think," I smiled.

Hawks smiled as I walked to the bars on the edge of the peak overlooking the city. I stood next to Hawks as I looked at the city.

"I know you'll do great things. You'll probably forget me in the sea of fans you'll have, but I think you should know that you'll always have at least one fan always supporting you. No matter what," I said.

I turned to look at Hawks with a smile and Hawks' smile saddened a bit.

"No matter what, huh?" he muttered.

"I can't imagine how hard it must be to be a hero. I also don't know your life or what you've been through. However, I'd like to say you truly care for people. You try to save people rather than focus on beating the villain. I admire you," I said.

A moment of silence followed as the wind blew over us. It was a calm, refreshing breeze in the warm summer air. Just minutes later I felt a hand land on my head and ruffle my hair.

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