Chapter 11

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Needless to say, Lucifer was in a very giddy mood for the rest of the day, and it seems everyone but Charlie had caught on to why. Alastor seemed in a surprisingly good mood as well which concerned everyone.

Charlie and Vaggie had gone out for dinner together so everyone else was left to make dinner for themselves. It ended up being Lucifer and Alastor that had to make the food. Lucifer stood in the kitchen by the sink, washing his hands as he looked over at Alastor who seemed to be reading over a recipe.

"So, what are we making?" Lucifer asked, leaning over Alastors shoulder to take a look at the recipe. "Jambalaya." Alastor grinned, placing the recipe down as he reached over to the fridge, opening it and grabbing everything he needed.

They both worked together, following the recipe and trying to do it to each other's standards while squabbling, often bumping into each other because of the small kitchen. Once the dish was made, they put them out into plates and onto the large dining table, which everyone ate from.

After dinner, it was dark and Charlie and Vaggie were not yet home, everyone had retreated to their rooms and Lucifer and Alastor were left in the main room together. They were mainly talking about small things, Lucifer leaning against Alastor with Alastor's arm around Lucifer's back.

"How am I supposed to tell Charlie? Just like surprise in fucking your employee!" Lucifer sighed, laying his head against Alastors shoulder. "Well to start off, I'm not her employee, to say. And also I think I have the worse of the end, I have to tell her that I'm fucking her dad."

Alastor looked down at Lucifer with a grin. "But either way, it will be fine. She will find out one way or another." Alastor hummed, leaning down to kiss Lucifer on the lips, his other arm reaching over to gently hold his neck.

Lucifer lent into the kiss, his hands laying on Alastors lap, smiling as one of his hands reached behind Alastors neck to pull him down so that Alastor was on top of Lucifer. Alastor grinned, pulling away for a moment, one hand on Lucifers hip and the other on his throat.

"You know we're in the main room, right?" Alastor tilted his head, smirking. "Yeah, yeah, but it's not like someone will walk in at this hour." Lucifer rolled his eyes, his hands holding Alastors waist as the radio demon leaned down to continue kissing the king.

Alastor knelt between Lucifers legs, lis lips trailing over to kiss Lucifers jaw, kissing all the way down to his neck. Alastor nipped at Lucifers skin, leaving hickeys on Lucifers neck, hearing him whine.

Lucifers phone rang, reaching down to his pocket to grab his phone, looking down at the screen as Alastor continued to kiss his neck, licking his Adams apple. "Quit it for a second, Al~ It's Charlie." Lucifer whined, answering the phone while trying to push Alastorss head away, but that didn't stop him.

"Heyy, char." Lucifer held his breath, trying not to react to Alastor attacking his neck with kisses. He listened to the other end of the phone as he bit his lip. Charlie announced that they would be home soon and apologied it was so late.

Lucifer replied. "That's no worries, Char, just get home safe." Lucifer tried to focus on his breathing, soon hanging up the phone. Lucifer moaned as Alastor gripped Lucifers throat tighter, leaning back up to roughly kiss him on the lips. "Alastor-" Lucifer tried to speak through the kisses.

Alastor leaned back, catching his breath to let Lucifer talk. "Charlie said she will be back soon.." Lucifer panted, his hands holding the collar of Alastors shirt. "Good, that leaves us at least 10 minutes." Alastor grinned, Leaning back down to kiss Lucifer softly.

They kissed back and fourth, Lucifer whining into the kiss, pulling Alastor down onto him. Lucifer ran his fingers through Alastors hair as Alastor gently rubbed Lucifers neck with his hand.

Just then the front door opened, Lucifer glanced over at Charlie and Vaggie standing in the door way, staring over at Alastor on top of Lucifer, holding him while Lucifer had his hands around Alastor. Lucifer snapped into movement, trying to push Alastor off of him.

"Uh, hey Charlie- I er-" Lucifer stood up and looked over at the pair. Vaggie didn't seem surprised at all but Charlie just stood there, staring in shock. Alastor lent back on the sofa, more upset about the fact that there makeout session was cut short once again.

Lucifer didn't know what to say, muttering and stutterinf before hearing Charlie speak. "You... And Alastor.." she seemed to be in deep thought. "What the fuck!?" Charlie stepped closer, looking better two. "You and Alastor fight like cat and dog, how can you two be hooking up!?" Charlie looked over at her father.

"Well er.. it's a little more than hooking up.." Lucifers voice was quite, looking up at Charlie before looking over at Alastor who seemed un bothered by the situation. "You're together? Wha- how didn't I know!?" Vaggie stepped over to calm Charlie down, who was being rather loud while it was late at night.

"Well I mean, everyone else had already caught on already." Vaggie said quietly, scratching her head awkwardly. Charlie looked over at Lucifer, taking a breath before talking. "What about mom?.."

Lucifer sighed, looking up at Charlie. "Charlie, we both know shes not coming back.. and even if she does I've moved on.." Lucifer looked worried for Charlies reaction.

"Well I'm happy for you dad.. but can we talk more about this tomorrow, I'm tired." Charlie rubbed her eyes and Vaggie took off Charlies jacket, leadither towards the stairs. "Yeah, we can talk tomorrow." Lucifer grinned, he had the reaction he wanted.

Lucifer watched Charlie and Vaggie walk up the stairs, Alastor walked up behind Lucifer, wrapping his arms around him in a hug. "See, I told you she would be happy for you~" Alastor hummed in Lucifers ear.

"Yeah I guess so." Lucifer smiled, tilting his head to look over at Alastor. "Mind i sleep with you tonight?" Lucifer looked up at Alastor, as if giving him puppy dog eyes. "I wouldn't mind one bit." Alastor nuzzled Lucifers neck.

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