Chapter 169 - Breaking (8)

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Thud, thud, thud. It was the sound of Iyota Kiyoshi. No, Kang Woojin descending the stairs. Calm and serene. Presence, expressionless. His current demeanor on the stairs doesn’t catch the eye at all.

If anything, he didn’t quite look Japanese.

A subtle face. A chill wraps around Woojin’s forearm as he descends the stairs. Reality. Yes, right now, he is living in Kiyoshi’s life, experiencing it for real.

He just lost the only thing he had and erased one of the many common things.

In other words, one person died, and another was killed.

One voluntarily, the other involuntarily. Woojin, who witnessed it all with his own eyes, remained unchanged.


His emotions were still faint, his expression void of anything.


“What, what is this!!!”


“Police!! Call the police!!”


The school turned upside down. Screams from below, bizarre shouts from the nearby corridors, the lower stairs bustling almost to the point of exploding, students bumping into Woojin’s shoulder as they ran, followed quickly by teachers.

It was understandable.

Two students had died suddenly. But it wasn’t unheard of. Lately, in Japan, it was not uncommon for students to take their own lives. Still, witnessing a news event firsthand makes a big difference.


Kang Woojin entered the 2nd-floor corridor, where the classrooms were, not the chaotic first floor. Then, he hesitated. He looked down at his hands. The same as always. Same heartbeat, similar tremble, breath not much different.

“It’s okay.”

His murmur was not to comfort himself. It was a conviction that he wouldn’t be pinpointed as the culprit. So, he walked again. However, the classroom Woojin arrived at was not his own but ‘Misaki Toka’s’. There were no students. They must have all gone to see what happened. Only the classroom’s unique atmosphere welcomed Kang Woojin.


He sat on a chair. It was Toka’s seat. There were various scribbles on the desk. Die, dirty, smelly, moron’s seat, and so on. Woojin looked down at the graffiti with a dried-up expression. About 5 seconds or so.


He took out a notebook and a pencil case from the desk drawer. Both bore the name ‘Misaki Toka’. Kang Woojin began to write something on a blank page of the notebook.

-Tsugumune Shinnosuke

It was a name. However, he crossed out the name he just wrote. Because that person’s head was already smashed. Below that, a total of 9 names were listed, mixed with both males and females. Soon after finishing writing the names, Woojin tore the paper. He folded it in half, then folded it again.

The folded paper went into his pocket.

“Not now.”

He was talking about the time. A time when he could erase these 9 people without any problems, without any regrets. Then, Woojin slowly walked out of the classroom and along the corridor, muttering to himself.

“One might be okay, but all 9 is too much. I lack the strength. And the intellect. And experience.”

Everything was lacking. Insufficiency leads to failure. Above all, adding actions now could make him a target of vengeance.

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