Chapter 108 - Cherry Blossoms (1)

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The shout of a female student quickly spread among those nearby. For these students, while the set was fascinating, what they really wanted was to see a celebrity as soon as possible.

“Kang Woojin??! Where? Where?”

Thanks to her, all the students’ gazes were now focused in one direction—toward Kang Woojin, who was walking nonchalantly towards them. As soon as they saw him approaching, the students, regardless of gender, started making a fuss.

“It’s really him! Kang Woojin! They must be filming ‘Male Friend’!”

“No way, what’s Kang Woojin like in person??”

“He’s stunning… But isn’t his physique also surprisingly good??”

The male students observed Woojin with a strange mix of jealousy, while the female students patted each other’s shoulders, shouting out Kang Woojin’s name.

“Wow, this is my first time seeing a celebrity. He’s definitely… different.”

“Agreed. I watched ‘Hanryang’ too, and Kang Woojin’s acting is on another level!”

“Think we can get an autograph??”

Even though there weren’t many students gathered, the dozen students’ voices quickly dominated the surroundings, including screams of excitement.

Kang Woojin couldn’t possibly have ignored this.

Escorted by his team, Woojin glanced at the students blocked by the guards as he approached the staff. For a moment, he nearly let a smile slip onto his face.

‘I’m jealous, so jealous.’

It reminded him of his own youthful days and the energy unique to those of that young age. Still, Woojin maintained a stern expression on his face.


He waved slightly at the gathered kids. Having already gone through a fan-signing event, this kind of fan service was a piece of cake for him. At his gesture, which carried a sense of ease and cynicism,


Screams and ear-piercing yells broke out. Surprised, Kang Woojin glanced back, and behind him, the burly Kim Dae-young, chuckled quietly.

‘This guy, he’s really become a full-fledged actor. Is this the same Kang Woojin I knew?’

Notably, Choi Sung-gun was absent from the scene today. He was tied up with preparations for Kang Woojin’s YouTube channel and other company work. Therefore, for today, Woojin’s team was supported by Kim Dae-young. Of course, he had to return to Hong Hye-yeon’s team after the shoot.

His training wasn’t over yet.

So, Kang Woojin’s team was rather imposing today. Jang Su-hwan and Kim Dae-young – these two big guys, formed twin pillars. It was as if two bears were guarding Kang Woojin.


-Tap tap.

Kim Dae-young lightly tapped on Kang Woojin’s shoulder , who was greeting the students, and the expressionless Woojin turned his head. However, Kim Dae-young didn’t say much, just wore a smile full of emotion.

But his eyes did the talking.

‘You’ve become a real actor, haven’t you, Kang-star?’

Woojin responded with a murderous look in his eyes.

‘Don’t talk to me, you big oaf.’

They had already agreed beforehand. They would keep their distance, maintaining a cold front. Fortunately, no one seemed to notice the silent exchange between the two buddies.

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