Chapter 84 - Enhancement (5)

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Booster? Unlike the relaxed PD Yoon Byung-seon, the head writer looked slightly worried.

“Ah… Even though some cast members, including Woojin, have been confirmed, isn’t it a bit early for that?”

For reference, while rumors about PD Yoon Byung-seon’s new variety show on HTBS were circulating, no clear facts had been officially announced yet. However, because PD Yoon Byung-seon was a significant figure in the variety show world, there was much speculation among the media about the potential cast members.

Anyway, adjusting his glasses, PD Yoon Byung-seon shrugged at the head writer.

“Of course, releasing it right now might be overkill, and we’d also scatter the audience’s attention. But isn’t it a waste to miss this timing? Kang Woojin as the lead in Director Kwon Ki-taek’s next project? It’s obviously going to make a lot of noise.”

This time, the male assistant PD chimed in,

“True. We had no idea Woojin would be in Director Kwon Ki-taek’s next project.”

“Right. Given the unexpected news, we need to adjust our promotional plans. Even if we keep the other cast members’ announcements on schedule, we can release Woojin’s news a bit earlier, right?”

“Are you suggesting we drop the bomb as if it’s a buy-one-get-one-free deal?”


Giving a short answer, PD Yoon Byung-seon briefly checked his phone again and continued,

“What’s funny about these issues is that everyone knows they’re fleeting. So it’s essential to prolong them as much as possible. When multiple issues are linked together, the momentum grows explosively.”

“If there’s only one issue, it ends there. But when several combine, they grow, feeding off each other.”

“Director Kwon Ki-taek’s next project, Kang Woojin, and us combined, also given the existing buzz around Woojin, it will all multiply significantly.”

“Ultimately, it’s a win-win for the movie, Woojin, and us.”

Clearly, PD Yoon Byung-seon had immense influence in the entertainment world. Even if not known widely, the scale of the impact was bound to be significant. Adjusting his glasses once more, he continued.

“But if we wait too long, the momentum may fade. Timing is crucial. Let’s watch Woojin’s rise in popularity due to the issue with Director Kwon Ki-taek for a few days, and when it feels the time is right, we’ll reveal our news about Woojin.”

“How long are you thinking of observing?”

“Maybe two or three days? In the meantime, you guys finalize the other cast members, and I’ll contact CEO Choi Sung-gun.”

Following his directive, the writers and junior PDs started typing into their phones. Once the head writer finished noting down on her phone, thinking of Kang Woojin, said

“Isn’t it fascinating about Kang Woojin? He’s like the center of the entertainment world right now, right? From dramas to movies and variety shows. And he’s a newcomer.”

“Promising newcomers always have a different vibe and momentum. They have a distinct aura, like with Woojin.”

“Rather than just feeling that it’s going well, it’s much more… Anyway, since I started as a scriptwriter, it’s the first time I’ve seen anything like this.”

PD Yoon Byung-seon, with arms crossed, looked intrigued.

“Well, me too. It means Woojin is on an unprecedented path.”

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