77) To Kill or Not To Kill, That is the Question

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"Nico!" Dick yelled, but the teen didn't stop. He shoved through the front doors and found the house silent. He began running through the halls, absently taking note of the sounds of his family following him, but he just kept going. Finally he reached the library and froze at the doors.

The others finally caught up to him, but they stopped dead in their tracks when they saw the scene in front of them. Bookshelves laid toppled onto one other. Blast marks and broken glass were strewn about the room. Most of the team laid unconscious on the floor.

"Wally!" Dick yelled as he ran into the room, checking on the passed out speeder who was tied against a shelf.

Damian stepped into the room and picked up one of the daggers that was embedded in the walls. "These are league issued."

Bruce went around checking on all the heroes in the room. "Dick, go down to the cave and call the league. Get their mentors here. Damian, go find Alfred. Nico, text Jason."

Nico stood frozen. "Where's Tim?"

Bruce let out a sigh, clenching his fists. "We'll figure it out. For now, just get Jason here."

Nico nodded, pulled out his phone, and dialed Jason's number, but it went straight to voicemail. He tried again, but it didn't change. Nico instantly shadow traveled to the safe house that Jason and his team were supposed to be staying at, but it was empty. He searched the building and surrounding areas until his phone rang. He pulled it out, hoping to see Jason's picture pop up, but it was just Bruce.

"I can't find Jason or his team," Nico said immediately into the phone.

Bruce sighed. "Do you still have the necklace that Dick gave you?"


"Put it on and get back here. The league arrived and the team is waking up."

"But Jason-"

Bruce cut him off. "Was probably ambushed and taken by the same people that took Tim and the others."

Nico grunted and hung up the phone, quickly putting on the glamour charm and shadow traveling back to Bruce.

"Jesus fuck," the flash said as Nico stepped out of the shadows. "Wally wasn't kidding when he said you just appear."

Nico didn't even acknowledge his statement, simply scanning over the team to see who else was missing before turning to Bruce. "I should be able to shadow travel to Tim or Jason. I can get him and the others out of wherever they are while you track my location."

"No. Slade will be expecting that. We can't risk him getting a collar on you."

Nico knew that Bruce was right, he would most definitely get ambushed, but he needed to do something. "I'll wear a neck guard or something. It doesn't even matter if I get caught, so long as you can get a location."

"Tim and Jason's trackers are down. We don't know what kind of blockers they have up." Dick looked worried for his brothers, but he was still raised by the bat. He knew that they needed a plan.

"Lady Shiva is running the league right now. She will have countermeasures in place. We cannot risk sending you." Damian's fists were clenched by his side.

"I can go there with my phone on. Blockers won't work on it and you can track it." Nico was pacing. "If I avoid capture that's great, but all I need is to get in whatever facility they are at."

"What if they're in a plane being transported still?" Bruce asked as he crossed his arms.

"Then check the radars for plane crashes."

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