59) Dramatics Run in the Family

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-Dick POV-

The group gave Nico and Tim a good ten minutes head start before pulling out the smelling salts. The team was definitely not happy.

"We're going after him," Karen said as soon as everyone was awake and free. She grabbed her communicator and immediately began typing. "Someone will stay behind with the Waynes, but the rest of us are heading out as soon as I get a location."

Jason crossed his arms. "Wonder Girl is staying. She was the only one able to actually keep up with that guy and we need her in case he comes back."

Cassie nodded, putting on a fake worry face. "I'm just sorry that I let him grab your brother."

"Tt- I would be more surprised if Drake did not get taken," Damian said with a smirk. "It seems kidnappers are drawn to him more than the rest of us."

Jason snorted but covered it with a cough while Dick slapped him. The oldest sighed. "I need to call Nico and let him know what's going on. I'm glad he'll be with his sister, he gets super anxious surrounding stuff like this."

Dick stepped away from the others and put the phone to his ear. "Hey Nico, I wanted to update you. The rest of us are all uninjured, but Tim was kidnapped by someone the team apparently knows. Don't worry, everything will be okay and we'll get him back in no time."

Tim scoffed from the other side of the phone. "God, you lay it on thick."

Nico laughed, his voice echoing slightly due to the emptiness of the warehouse they'd picked. "It's gods, not god. Also, say something about Joker, most people probably wouldn't be over that by now."

Dick struggled to keep a serious face as he listened to his brothers. "No, I promise that this is nothing like when Joker took you. Tim is going to be completely fine. The team will find him any minute."

"Considering the fact that I'm watching Karen attempt to hack my phone in order to track it, I would say it'll be more like a few years."

Nico snorted. "Ghost King could have killed you by now for all they know. Maybe he's a ruthless killer and is already burying the body."

Dick faced away from the team as he rolled his eyes. "Don't worry Nico, I'm sure they will track down Tim any second. It's not like his phone has extra protection or anything."

Tim let out a sigh before the oldest heard typing. There was a moment of silence before a dinging sound came from Karen's phone.

"Found him," the hero said seriously as she immediately began telling the others the plan.

Dick said a quick bye through the phone before wishing the team luck alongside his brothers and Cassie. They watched them disappear into the distance before Jason smirked and turned to Wonder Girl.

"Wanna see the Batcave?"

The blonde smile excitedly. "Hell yeah I do!"


-Tim POV-

Nico and Tim were bored. Bruce was just chillin in the rafters of the warehouse for some reason, so it was just the two of them. Dick had texted saying that they would arrive around the same time as the team and reveal themselves with Bruce, so they just had to kill time.

How does one kill time in an abandoned warehouse? That's right, you teach your little brother how to throw batarangs.

"That's really good. You just gotta angle your wrist a bit more," Tim said as he adjusted Nico's hand. "And make sure to follow through after you release it otherwise it'll loose power."

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