54) Kidnapping is Funny

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-Dick POV-

Dick felt left out. He knew something was going on, but no one would tell him. First Nico and Hazel left the dining room and the rest of them went to the living room to hang out and play some cards. Then Hazel came back and stole both Jasons. Then Nico shadow traveled in, grabbed Percy and Annabeth, and shadow traveled back out. The weirdest part was that none of the demigods seemed confused at all. They all just accepted it and moved on.

When Dick tried to ask if it was at least weird that he didn't warn them about shadow travel, Leo just laughed and said, "He started doing that after he recovered from the war. He thinks it's funny to just yank people into the shadows."

Will snorted. "It's funny until he does it to you," he said with a shudder.

Damian seemed to think he knew something because he wouldn't stop smirking. Dick tried to ask yet again but Damian would just 'Tt' and ignore him. It had been an hour since the kidnappings and Dick was about to leave the room to find them when Alfred walked in and said he had put out some snacks on the back patio. Though it was strange to have snacks an hour after breakfast, everyone still got up, pausing the game of poker they were halfway through, and began walking to the patio.

When they reached there, they found the others already snacking. "Where have you guys been?"

Jason (the one that can't fly) just shrugged. "We've been out here the whole time."

Tim narrowed his eyes at the group. "Okay, but why? What are you planning?"

Percy let out a chuckle. "We aren't planning anything."

Bruce grabbed a cookie off the plate and eyed it for a second, probably making sure it wasn't part of a prank. "Then why were you stealing people from the room?"

Nico pointed at Percy and Annabeth. "We were having a Tartarus Club meeting."

Hazel pointed to the Jasons. "I needed advise about a training idea for the cohort."

"Tt- why would you ask Todd for training advise?"

Hazel shrugged. "He said yesterday that he was the strongest and Bruce's favorite-"

"I don't have a favorite-" Bruce tried to say before everything turned to shit, but it was already too late.

"That is nonsense. I am Father's favorite. I am the blood son after all," Damian said as he crossed his arms.

Tim rolled his eyes. "I'm the smartest, plus I'm next in line to take over WE."

"I'm the gayest so I'm defiantly the favorite," Nico mumbled.

"I was the first so—" Dick cut himself off as what Nico said processed in his brain. All eyes were immediately on the boy as the Jasons 'WOOOO'ed and unfurled a banner that said 'Welcome to Nico's Coming Out Party'.

Nico gave a shy smile and gestured to the sign as Hazel slug an arm around his shoulder. "surprise."

It was silent for a moment before Dick cheered. "I fucking knew it!"

"Welcome to the club!" Tim said excitedly. "I gotta tell Kate that she has another queer nephew."

"I'm ordering another shirt," Bruce said as he typed on his phone.

Nico was blushing as his family consumed him in a hug. "Oh gods, what does he mean by shirt?"

Tim patted his back as they all pulled away. "He got a shirt that said 'I love my bisexual son' when I came out. It was cute that he did it, but terrible."

Nico face palmed but Dick could still see his small smile. Alfred brought out cupcakes with pride colored icing, and they all sat together on the patio and relaxed.

Jason sat down next to Dick and whispered, "you own me fifty bucks."

Dick rolled his eyes. "It was about him getting with Will, not coming out."

Jason smirked and stood from his spot. "I know."

Dick stared at his brother as he walked away. "I'm sorry, what?!" Dick began to follow him. "What do you mean? When? How? Oh my gosh I let them share a bed."

"You let them what?!" Jason said turning to look at Dick.

Damian joined them, leaving the others back at the seating area. "Do not worry, Solace has been properly threatened."

Both of them stared at their youngest brother for a long moment before Jason asked, "how have you already threatened him? You found out he was gay like five minutes ago."

"Tt- I threatened him this morning when I found him sharing a bed with DiAngelo. He knows what will happen if he does anything to our brother."

Tim appeared behind Damian and ruffled his hair. "Awwwwww you do care about your family."

Nico walked up to the group. "What's happening? Why is Damian grabbing his knife?"

Dick snatched the knife out of his brother's hand. "Oh nothing, just talking about how Will is a dead man if he does anything to you."

Nico blushed beat red, glancing at the blonde who was actively being cornered by Jason and Percy. "I think you have competition over who will get to him first, but you do know we aren't dating or anything, right? It was just a kiss. I don't even know if it meant anything to him."

Dick and Jason awwwwwed. "It's cute when you're stupid," the second oldest said.

Nico rolled his eyes as Dick took over for Jason. "You're not stupid— you are just really blind."

Tim smacked Dick. "That wasn't better. You're not stupid or blind, you just have no idea what you are talking about."

Damian sighed. "How any of you have managed to get partners astounds me. They are trying to say that it is obvious that Solace likes you. He was not scared off after I woke him up by holding a knife to his throat."

Dick choked. "You did what?"

"Grow up Grayson," Damian said, crossing his arms. "My point was that Solace would be an adequate partner."

Nico blushed as he rolled his eyes and ruffled Damian's hair. "Thanks Damian."

Dick smiled at his brothers. He didn't know what it was about Nico, but he really did make the group complete. "I was thinking, during operation Wayne, we should have a Be Normal Day. We can all hang out and relax while also getting to watch YJ panic."

The others all laughed and nodded their agreement. This is going to be the best Be Normal Day Yet.


"How did you mange to get the banner so fast? Did you just already have that made?" Dick asked from his spot next to Nico on the couch.

"I had Jules-Albert get it," Nico said with a shrug.

All the demigods apparently knew who that was, but the Waynes were still confused. "Who?" Bruce asked.

Nico shrunk in his seat while the demigods all laughed. "He's the zombie chauffeur my father gave to me."

Jason (former dead robin) smiled so wide and began cackling. "the greek god Hades gifted you a zombie?"

"I hate it here," Nico muttered.

Dick ruffled Nico's hair. "You love us."

"Yeah yeah," Nico said as he swatted away Dick's hand, attempting to hide his small smile.

A/N: I hope you liked this chapter, I thought it was cute. Also I just hit 20k reads as I'm writing this and was like 3 votes away from 1k votes so yay! thank you all so much! I enjoy reading all of your comments :))

A/N2: A few days ago I said in a comment that this book would be around 60 chapters... that's definitely not true. My current guess is around 80ish. I know how I plan to end this book, the problem is now just getting there. Also I've started planning book 2 and I'm very excited to write it.

Vote. Comment. Tell me what you think so far (I wanna know what you think).

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