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After that deal, They were just there, Alastor was eating silently and Lucifer was just taking sips from his wine.

Omce they both finished their meal, they went outside the restaurant, those two started walking back to the hotel, they arrived and found out that they were the first to actually get back, so Alastor took off the barrier and both of them went straight to their respective rooms, Alastor teleported to his, while Lucifer took the elevator.

As Lucifer entered he looked at his workbench who had a red duck, that was supposed to look like Alastor, it was unfinished and because he wanted it to be perfect for him and because he was working on that radio for a while. He was a bit upset about everything that he picked up the duck and threw it across the room, he didn't even bother looking where it went, he just took off his coat and hat and laid in his bed, trying to get some sleep as he just left his gifts he received from Alastor besided the door.

He was awoken after a few hours by someone knocking on the door, he grumbled as he got up and opened it, he saw his daughter outside looking joyous like always " Hey Dad! How was you and other dad's outing? " she greeted.

Charlie then noticed her father's tired expression, she thought they must have fought all throughout their outing " Oh, it must have been bad, judging from your look, right, anyways I need the pictures "

" Oh well Alastor has it " he respond before closing the door 'weird' Charlie thought, he didn't call him Deer, which was his usual nickname for Alastor and he shut the door on her face!

Charlie was sadden a bit but she just convinced herself that her father was probably having a bad day with Alastor.

She went up to Alastor door at the end of the hallway and knocked on it, no respond, so she just shouted " Alastor! I need the pictures you guys took! " after she said that, three pictures were slid down the door, she picked it up and said " Thank you! I'll be on my way now! "

When she was inside the elevator, she was looking at the pictures, they looked so happy together, what happened between them? When she arrived at the lobby she went straight to her girlfriend, surely she can help " Hey Vaggs? "

" Yeah? What's wrong hun? " Vaggie asked getting a bit worried.

" Dad and Al " Charlie respond.

" Are they arguing right now? Weird I haven't heard yelling yet " Vaggie said as she placed her hand on her chin.

" No, they are not arguing right now, just look at these pictures " Charlie respond as she approached her girlfriend and show her the pictures, Vaggie was shocked on how they managed to get along after endlessly fighting inside the hotel.

" What?! They get along?? Are you sure Alastor didn't tamper with the pictures and made it look happy? " Vaggie asked " Yes I'm sure, I don't feel any magic or sorcery around these " Charlie assured.

" Well that's good but why do you still look worried babe? " Vaggie asked as she patted the seat beside her on the couch.

" Well its because when I went to get these, neither of them were happy " Charlie replied as she sat down beside her " How so? " Vaggie asked stroking a hair behind Charlie's ear " Dad shut the door on my face, which he never does!And Alastor didn't even face me! He just slids these under the door " Her tone was getting sadder and sadder.

" Something must have happened today, give them time, I'm sure it was just a stupid diss agreement " Vaggie assured her as she offered her a hug, Charlie hugged her and they stayed that way until the Trio's arrived, covered in blood, Stacie was even munching on a demon's arm " Oh Hello! " She said in a muffled tone.

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