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From the secluded little alcove in one of Ravensfield's many, many hallways, Kaede secretly observed his heartmate.

She wore that dreamy, faraway expression on her face that she normally did whenever she was well into her musings, or daydreams- wherever her spectacular mind had wandered off to.

In this instance, he found himself smiling for it since she was in the middle of a rather animated conversation with Mrs Holt, who had employed Izzy's services not one day after her return to Ravensfield and somehow convinced his heartmate to assist in Addilyn's matchmaking business.

No doubt she was supposed to be paying attention to whatever Addy was saying as they moved down the hallway, ambling slowly towards his concealed hiding place.

"- you'll have to speak to them, of course," Addy was saying merrily. She was a petite female, yet harboured a rather officious air about her, especially as she tucked a clipboard under her arm to smooth back a wayward yellow curl of hair that had fallen out of place. "Especially since you have matched with his brother. Surely you'll be able to sway some sense into the remaining Draëllians."

But if Izzy heard a word of what Addy had been saying, she didn't make a sound of consent or dissent otherwise. Merely strolled sedately beside her, an occasional languid blink indicating that she existed in this realm at all.

Undeterred by her companion's silence, Addy went on, "It'll be a boon to the business, having matched all of you. Besides, I've decided that it is my own personal undertaking to see all my friends matched and happy. So, you see, you'll have to talk some sense into Caël, at least. Rogane... hmmf. I was so sure about him, Miss Hawkins. I was certain he would make many suitable matches, but since the first day he picked up the tablet, he made one - only ONE - and has never looked at the thing again. And he refuses to arrange a meet with the girl." A delicate sound of frustration left the matchmaker then. "Says he needs to focus on the damn hounds. Honestly."

As if just realising she needed an active audience, Addy cast a quick glance at her companion. "Miss Hawkins? Are you listening?"

At the sound of being addressed directly, Izzy startled and an adorable blush scoured her cheeks. She looked remarkably guilty at being caught out and cleared her throat before she formed an answer. "Of course I was," she said quickly. "Rogane's hounds."

That seemed to satisfy Mrs Holt, for the time being, and she continued on.

Amused, Kaede continued to wait patiently for Izzy's approach. Even if he enjoyed simply watching her interact with her new surroundings and the people closest to him, he was eager to have her to himself for a while.

It seemed that since their return to Ravensfield less than six days ago, their time had been thoroughly occupied. Clearing up the mess caused by Lord Grant and his son had taken at least two days of thorough investigations and paperwork, but the matter had been "tidily tucked away," as Lady Lillian Adams had put it.

When news of the sinister events that had transpired did make headlines, it had the unanticipated effect of drawing out human sympathisers, all of whom were appalled at the underhanded and duplicitous nature of the parties Lord Grant had been hosting all this time, and all of whom were quick to announce their loyalties to Ravensfield and Lillian and Mildred's efforts at recognising the equality of the Other.

Lady Beauchamp had been found- thankfully before the news of the fire at Lord Grant's secret estate had spread across the country- and apparently the sight of a massive, scaled dragon landing on her doorstep had put the fear of God in her. She had sworn fidelity to Ravensfield there and then, and vowed profusely that she would do whatever the Duchess of Ravensfield required so long as her reptilian husband didn't devour her. Aëghan had returned to the estate looking more smug than a pig that had found a fresh trough of garbage to devour and roll around in.

The Beastkeeper's RedemptionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon