14. She's mine

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Everyone was sitting on their place near the couch set in the living hall of the haveli.

Whereas Taara and I were seated parallel to the priest who was going through our kundali-s.

What's the point of going through them when it's already decided we will get married.

I looked beside me at Taara who seemed to be more interested in her dupatta than what the man in front of us was doing.

When I looked closely at her movements, she was dismantling the fiber of her dupatta. I frowned.

Ohh! So, she's nervous.

I moved my hands to stop her from further processing, and my hand fully engulfed her. She has small hands! Much smaller than mine.

'Idiot you are much taller compared to her 5 '1 height.' and I rolled my eyes internally.

And she looked up at me and passed a tight smile before looking at the priest. No sign of chaotic Taara.

Does this mean so much?

'Of course it does, bastard.' my subconscious mocked.

Why does he always have to be here? Move away.

'You know, I can't.' my subconscious continued.

Ignoring him, I focused on Taara who seemed to have moved closer from before and was now leaning to the support of my upper arm.

I placed my palm on her hand, which was on my upper arm, and squeezed a little assuringly.

And the remaining distance between us was covered by her as she moved more closer.

But not too much to make it awkward or uncomfortable for anyone. And finally, our wait seized when the priest said,

"MahaRaja saa, their Gund are matching but still there are some places where they seem to be clashing with each other."

"Does it matter pandit ji?" My dad asked with a look at us and I found worry for us in those gazes.

"No, not too much. There are some auspicious dates I have, two in the next 6 months -in 1 month and 4 months- and the other dated after 5 years."

"I'm ready to wait for 5 years if it means Taara's comfortable and no one's forcing her." My voice bloomed through the hall.

It won't sacrifice her wishes for my happiness!

And everyone turns their heads in our direction. And I found pride shining through mumma's gaze and at the sight of that, satisfaction erupts in my heart.

Yes, mumma! You raised your boy well!

"I'm fine with everything. As Abhi wants." Taara said slowly looking down, gaining everyone's attention back to her.

"You're fine for 1 month?"

Mumma asked with hesitation while her voice was different with desperation dripping through.

I swear, it looks like my mom is more eager for my marriage than me.

While I try to play it off, it doesn't mean I'm not excited for the same. Even I would say I'm more than anyone.

She nodded her head slowly. Then look at me with hesitation.

Oh, my baby's more worried about my opinion than her?

"You sure?" I whispered slowly, leaning closer.


"1 month is fine with me," I said plainly, trying to suppress my real emotions.

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