Seventeen Reaction: When you won your first ever soccer district meet at school

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A/n: This is a request from _anonymousunknown13 I hope you like this also... I'm really having a writer's block atm, but I did try my best to write this one specifically because I too did win my first ever district meet, representing my school to the other schools just last Friday, Jan. 05, 2024. Anyways, hope you like this since we have a similar sports hehe luv yah.


"I'm so proud of you. If not because of your long kick, you wouldn't be able to win this! Congratulations love." *Hugs you*

*You kick the ball and hit the goal on the last 2 seconds of the game* "WOOHOO!!! THAT'S MY GURL!!! THAT'S MY GURL!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!"

*You manage to hit the goal for the last points* "YAHOO!!! AYOOOOO!!!! Y/N!!! THAT'S MY GIRL RIGHT THERE! THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND Y'ALL!!!"

*Late on your game* "Your team won? Wow, I didn't even manage to witness how amazing you are as you play... I'm sorry if I'm late, I'll just treat you and your whole team to dinner as my apology to you and as a congratulations too for winning."

*Late on your game (2)* "I'm so sorry, y/n-ah... I really tried not to be late... I promise next time, I'll be on time. I'm so proud of you although, I didn't manage to witness how amazing you are while playing but... I know you give your best and so are your teammates."

"Wow! Y/n-ssi... I didn't know you could kick that hard... The goalie didn't even stand a chance against your kick!! That's why you manage to goal!!! I'm so proud of you!!"

"At least all those hard trainings you all have done finally paid off, right? Congratulations on winning, I'll keep on supporting you and your team, baby."

*On their concert* "Caratdeul!!! My girlfriend's team won in their school's district meet!!! Aren't they amazing?!! That's one of the reasons why I keep on falling in love with her." *Smiling proudly*

"I'll make sure to let Caratdeul know about this, I promise you that." *Kisses your forehead*

"Congratulations on winning, my lady. You even won the hearts of those boys from the other school but, I know I'm the only winner of that heart of yours just like you are to mine." *Winks at you and kisses you on the lips*

*On their concert (2)* "I'm so proud of my girl carat! Because of her, their whole school is celebrating since they've won their soccer district meet!! She is so amazing!!! That's why I love her so much."

"Let's practice more, then win more... Congratulations munchkin. I love you and I'm proud of you." *Kisses your head*

"I'll help you win the next district meet, lovely. I'll make sure to free some of my schedule and give all that time to you. Congratulations on winning, I love you and let's keep winning for more!!"

A/n: I hope you'll like this too tho... Hehe

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