Chapter 31

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Are you okay? I asked Harmony. She finally came out her room. She's been locked up in her room since yesterday. I know her or I'lan didn't want what they decided they both just wanted us to stop fighting.

I felt like it was all my fault. If I wouldn't of never accused him of cheating the girls would still be together and happy.

I'm fine! She said as she grabbed an apple off the counter.

I cooked, your favorite!

I'm not that hungry. She grabbed a bottle of water and went back upstairs. I took a deep breath and sat at the table.

How did I go from having this perfect life with my child to so many people dying around me, losing my job, my whole entire career I built, my house that I worked so hard for has been shot up, broken into, all types of shit. Basically had another child by myself. Carter hasn't been much of help with his son. Married a man that I didn't even really know. A man that I should of stood ground and kept it how it should of been from the beginning. I let that man come in and ruin my life and my child's life.

I can never let my guard down EVER AGAIN!
My phone started ringing and it was TY.

Hello? I answered.

Don't sound excited to hear from me. Thought you forgot about a nigga.

I'm sorry! It's been a lot going on family wise. I'm so sorry for forgetting about coffee day.

It's cool don't sweat it! I understand. Everything alright? Not really!

Wanna talk about it?

I'm just realizing I made a huge mistake and I'm so deep into it I can't turn back.

Mistakes are made for a reason Asia. We are ment to learn from them. Everything turns into a lesson.

I'm starting to see.....

Whatever it is that's got you down I promise you it won't last long. Your an amazing woman Asia and the devil can't hold you down forever.

Seems like I pray to god everyday and he don't hear me. Shit just seems like it's getting worse.

If it's one thing I've learned over time with relearning myself after my divorce and getting closer with god is that.....he won't put you through anything you can't handle. This may be a storm to you but it's a test to him. A test to see if your ready for your next chapter in life. Wether it's removing people from your life to getting fired from a job how you handle everything is your answer sheet to the test and getting to the next chapter. You fight your way through it with your head held high. Don't let a damn thing break you.

Thank you I needed that!

Anytime....I go to this church sometimes! Ever need a lil extra prayer you and the girls and baby boy is more than welcomed to come.

I'd like that!

Just let me know. But you gone be great and ima keep you in my prayers you and your family.

Thank you Ty. And I'll take you up on that dinner this weekend if it's still available.

Of course it is. I can send you the details Saturday, I can either pick you up or meet you there whatever your comfortable with.

Okay great!

And it's formal wear.

You making me go shopping now! I laughed.

You'd look beautiful in no matter what you wear.

Charming aren't you!

I tell no lies!

Yeah okay. How are you though? Cause I know you ain't call to hear my problems.

I don't mind hearing yo problems it's actually better than hearing my own. But I did call cause I wanted to make sure you was good cause you sworn you wasn't gonna miss coffee time and you did! Had me lookin crazy.

I'm so sorry! It's really been a rough couple days!

It's cool! Just means we gotta double up next week.

I'd like that!

Same time, same place you know where to find me.

Okay Kim Possible!

Ohhh you got jokes now Ight cool! Lucky I ain't got no come back for that.

Stay ready than you don't have to get ready!

You right! But I gotta go a meeting about to start In a few seconds and I'm bouta be late. I'll call you later?

Don't forget!

I ain't you girl! He laughed.

Whatever bye! I laughed before hanging up. Having someone who was just a friend ment a lot to me. His words and prayers ment even more. I felt heard! I didn't feel such alone anymore.

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