Chapter 13

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I stood at the window holding my baby and drinking my tea watching out the window as Carter was outside shoveling the snow. It's been snowing all day and he just got home. Before he came in the house he pulled his car up and grabbed the shovel to shovel the driveway, sidewalk.

I went and put him some fresh clothes in the dryer so they could be nice and warm when he got out the shower. I turned the hot water on in the shower and made him some hot tea.

Fuck it's cold out there! Carter yelled as he came in the door.

I bet! Hi baby! I laughed kissing him. His whole face was cold as fuck. He shook the snow off of him and started to take his stuff off.

Sup bae! You cook?

Not yet. I was waiting to see if you was coming home first. I made you some tea. Your clothes are in the dryer, and the shower is running for you.

Damn thank you baby! Where the girls?

Uhhh their rooms getting ready for the night.

Ight! Thank you! He ran up the back steps and I went and laid CJ down in his swing as he just looked at me.

I went into the livingroom got the tv set up for our movie night. I sat the air bed up with the pillows and blankets I laid the snacks out. I started dinner. We was having loaded potatoes, layered in bacon, chicken, broccoli. I made everybody plates and took all the stuff into the livingroom so we could have our family time.

It smells good as fuck! Carter said coming downstairs on the phone. I picked CJ up to feed him before he drifted off to sleep. "I'll feed him baby!" He said taking him out my hands.

You sure?

Yeah y'all ready to eat?

Yes! I set everything up already. He can eat and lay him down and we can watch the movie and stuff.

Okay cool! I gave him the bottle and he fed his son while he talked on the phone.
The girls came down just in time. Carter went to go lay CJ down upstairs in his nursery and I got everybody situated in the livingroom. Tonight's movie was Elemental. It was a cute lil Disney movie that just came out.

After we ate and the girls was enjoying their snacks I cuddled up in my husbands arms and he kept kissing my neck.

Stop! I giggled.

They sleep? me upstairs! I smirked getting up. He laughed and hit his lip. I went upstairs and started taking my clothes off. I'm only 3 weeks out and my I'm still not suppose to be having sex but every since that one day we did it that's all I been thinking about. I watched him carry both girls into their rooms and tuck them in. I stood in the doorway biting my lip. He picked me up and layed me on the bed kissing me.

Hi daddy! I smirked.

Sup mama! He kissed my neck and made his way all the way down to my pussy. The way we make love gets better and better every time. I just love feeling him inside me. I was in total love with this man. The sex was just everything times 10.

And I got to pay in his arms after we was done. Everything is so perfect.

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