Chapter 74

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I jumped up out my sleep as I realized I had to go get the girls. I was so tired and I felt drained. I grabbed my jacket from the chair, my phone, and tan downstairs. When I got to the front door I heard giggling and laughing coming from the kitchen.

My babies was sitting at the kitchen table, while Carter was helping them do their homework and making them something to eat.

Where you going? Carter smiled as he noticed me.

I thought to pick them up, I thought I was late. Why you ain't wake me up.?

I knew you was tired the way you was in there snoring.

No I wasn't!

Uhh ma yes you was! Harmony laughed.

Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever how was school girls?

It was good! They both smiled answering at once.

Good! I took my stuff off and hung my coat up in the hallway on the hooks. I slipped my house shoes back on and came back into the kitchen. Carter sat a plate of chicken nuggets and fries in front of them. I hugged him by his waist and kissed his back. "Hi daddy!"

What's up baby, how you feeling? He asked turning around to face me kissing me.

Sick. And I got a headache! And don't say it's from that cause it's not! I took another test and it was negative.

Mmmkay! He laughed. "I got something that'll make that headache go away though."


This dick, let me put it in you right quick! He smiled whispering in my ear.

No the girls are right here! I laughed. "Better yet why you ain't tell me you took a job at the school?!"

Oh I forgot about that! He said laughing. "I got fired like 5 minutes into no lie!"

What? Carter!

Im dead ass serious!

Why you get fired?

I called the principal a hoe! He laughed.

What is wrong with you? Why you do that?

Because she had me fucked up I was talking to I'lan and she gone rudely interrupted me like bitch plus she said a few sexual things and she called me broke and a bum!

Is that why she asked was you my husband earlier this morning.


She seen me getting out with the girls and asked...

Probably cause she seen me with them yesterday! Oh well fuck her!

That ain't even the best part you know I park literally in the same spot everyday when I drop Harmony off right. Why this bitch gonna come up to me like oh you can't park there. Talkin bout it's her parking spot and she head of the PTO or some shit.

Mannn what the fuck was that bitch name Ann....Anna or some Shìt black bitch!


Yo she came up to me yesterday when I was picking the girls up talkin bout new security officer flirting and shit tryna get me to come to the PTO shit I said I gotta wife she crazy.

Oh my god I said the same thing! I laughed. "She gone say my husband a cop, I said okay, my husband will have yours dead before he can even get here!" She backed that ass up real quick.

You a nut! That shit just turned me on! He smiled pulling me closer to him kissing me.

Ewwww get a room! I'lan laughed.

Mind yo business lil girl! He laughed turning her head kissing me again.

I love you! I smiled pulling away from him.

I love you too! Oh umm now that mommy is woke I almost forgot. He grabbed the iPad off the counter and gave it to the girls. "I have a surprise but it's a scavenger hunt for you to find it! Y'all might wanna start now!" He smiled so big.

"For clue number one go to the front door!" I'lan read aloud. The girls got up and ran to the front door. He grabbed my hand and we ran out the back door. When we got out there u was taken back by the huge and I mean huge gift baskets. They was pink and full of stuff. Everything in it was pink topped with pink balloons. And a card that said "from mommy and daddy!" It was so many different things in it.

He pulled me into his lap. "What is all this?" I asked with laughter.

You'll see! He smiled pushing the hair out my face. "Your so beautiful!" He smiled making me blush.

Thank you! I swear it's been so long and I still feel like he gives me butterflies. I leaned in to kiss him and he smiled gripping my ass.

Ima fuck the shit outta you tonight!

Oh is you!

Yup! Watch!

Yeah okay! The door opened and the girls came out smiling and laughing. They're eyes got so big and watery when they seen the gift baskets. They ran to us hugging us each. They was so happy.

Okay so like I said I have a surprise! Carter said getting up. He got down on one knee and grabbed I'lans hand to look her in the eye. "Daddy said he'll do anything to get you right and I ment that!"


"I have full custody of you now! No more going back to your mom's! You staying with daddy!" He said with tears in his eyes. I'lan wrapped her arms around his neck so quick and bursted into tears as she hugged her father. I couldn't contain myself I started crying. Me and Harmony joined in on their hug. "I'm never gonna let anybody hurt you or put you in that position again!" He assured her. "No more your mom taking you from me, no more her changing your number, no more bullshit it's us forever okay!" He said through his tears. She nodded her head as she wiped her tears. This was the best heartfelt moment ever.

I need some tissue. I smiled going back into the house. I went upstairs to my room and went into the bathroom. The first thing that caught my mind was a letter on the mirror. It was a paternity test. He wasn't the father of her child. I started crying cause I was happy. As I sat the paper on the counter I looked
Down at my pregnancy test from this morning and it was two dark clear lines on it. I dropped everything in shock.

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